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Meet Alex (Walt) Smith

Video Specialist

Meet Alex Smith. His name is Alex, but people call him Walt. He currently lives in Minneapolis where he does remote work for Paragon. He went to UW-Milwaukee, earning a degree in film, video, animation, and new genres. Alex has been working professionally in video for 10 years. His first ever paid video job was doing a stop motion for a dialysis center that was used to show clients simple ways to exercise to keep their heart healthy! In addition to video editing, he also directs music videos for local bands and videos for local advertisements.

As a video specialist at Paragon, Alex works week to week with the Berean Bible Society to create their “Transformed by Grace” video series. When he first started at Paragon, he was working out of Skip’s basement where he would often do laundry and enjoy free meals from Kathy. In his own words, Alex said, “It has been a joy to be with the company and watch it grow. I went from being the company’s quiet younger brother to the weird, distant uncle who shows up for parties. Paragon truly feels like a family. The compassion and flexibility that comes with working for Skip is what makes this job something I love.”

In his free time, Alex is an experimental DIY artist. He makes both short and feature length films. Alex blends traditional and experimental film techniques with a childlike ethos. Most recently, he made a short film called “The Life and Death of a Mosquito.” Alex is currently making a feature length adaptation of Winnie the Pooh. He is also a painter and has had several solo-shows in Minneapolis and Milwaukee. Most importantly, he has a dog named Ross Junior who, like most dogs, is an angel.



Knowing the year a movie came out. Most major movies between the 1990s through today I can usually guess the correct year and sometimes even the month. Movies released from the 1960s through the 1980s I can guess 50% of the time.

Losing my memories! Maybe that is rational as it is something that happens to most people. I don’t have any crazy phobias . . . maybe the depth of the ocean! Thalassophobia!