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Email Marketing

Understanding Email Marketing

Whether you’ve just acquired a first-time customer’s email address, or the customer has been on your list for years, email marketing is a digital marketing strategy that can reach both your long-time and potential new customers. Using a list of your customers’ email addresses, we can tailor emails to accomplish whichever goal you’re trying to achieve. Whether you want to create brand awareness, inform customers, or sell services, we’ll create emails with your business in mind.

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Benefits of Email Marketing

Create Brand Awareness

Brand awareness is key to acquiring new customers, but it can also help convert interest into sales. If customers are familiar with your brand, they’ll be more likely to purchase from you. Email is a great opportunity to help establish your brand.

Inform You Customers

Email is an ideal communication avenue to keep your customers informed and up-to-date. They can include important announcement, new product or service launches, or major business milestones.

Construct A Touchpoint

Whether you send multiple per week, or one per month, emails act as another touchpoint between customer purchases or informative emails. Consistent, engaging emails will keep your business at the top of customers' minds.

Generate New Leads

If you’re looking to capture new customers, email is a great place to start! Build a relationship with potential new customers and share the value your business could bring your customers through email.

Sell Products & Services

Emails can create exciting, new opportunities to showcase your products or services for sale, offer exclusive discounts and promo codes, and plant the seed for interest in your products or services.

Educate Your Audience

While you’re the expert behind your business, your audience will not understand everything that makes your business unique and why they should become a customer. Email, however, can bridge that gap.

When sending marketing emails, consistency is key. If you don’t have the time to develop an email strategy and then craft, design, and send your marketing emails, it may be time to consider getting help.

The quantity of marketing emails you should send depends on several factors, from the industry and size of your business to the products or services you offer. While most of our clients opt for monthly or quarterly emails, research recommends a consistent send rate to keep your business top of your customers’ minds. Inconsistent email could result in subscribers either forgetting about you or resulting in more unsubscribers.

Whether you want to create brand awareness, inform customers, or sell services through email marketing, our team will create emails that contain quality, professional content that will reflect your branding and business model.

Let's Get To Work

Our design team can put together the ideal email that highlights everything you want to share. We’ll create a plan that ensures your emails contain quality, professional content that will reflect your branding and business model. Ultimately, you’ll be able to build better relationships with your customers through this channel. With your best interest in mind, we can help you create brand awareness for your business, inform and educate your customers, construct touchpoints with your customers, generate new leads, and sell your products and services through email marketing.