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Meet Jenny Johnson

Website Service Specialist

Jenny Johnson first went to college for Composite Materials Engineering, but after working in the MAC lab, she decided she really liked computers. Following that, she transferred to UW Milwaukee and earned her B.S. in Management Information Systems (MIS). Prior to working at Paragon Marketing Group, she worked in workstation support for 17 years.

As a Website Service Specialist at Paragon, Jenny appreciates that the values of the company are in line with her own values. She enjoys working on the sites and making sure they are all running.

In her spare time, Jenny enjoys spending time with her husband, three kids, and three cats. She stays busy watching her kids compete in sports, with their games often taking place most nights per week. In addition, she likes taking walks with friends, traveling, solving puzzles, and playing games.

So I always want to travel and go to new places. One place I would go that I have already been to is Australia. I love Sydney, but more importantly I like to visit with my host family from when I was an exchange student.

A place I haven’t been that I would visit is Iceland. I have seen so many great experiences and scenery there, but also because I really want to see the Northern Lights there.

If I can spend a weekend with family and friends either watching my kids play sports, taking walks or hiking, playing games, sitting watching movies (with cats snuggled with me) or talking, I would be very happy.

Not much of a drive but during the week I get up to make sure my daughter is getting up and ready for school. I then look forward to my workout classes.