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Meet Rob Krieghoff

Senior Marketing Strategist

Headshot of Rob Krieghoff, Senior Marketing Strategist at Paragon Marketing Group

For Rob Krieghoff, marketing and advertising has always been a part of his life. He started in the TV business back in 1993, Rob is also the third generation of Krieghoffs to venture into the electronic media world. That started a 28-year journey where he rebuilt three different account lists and managed  15 sales people and $25 million dollars in annual revenue. It also afforded him the opportunity to learn from some of the smartest professionals and consultants in the broadcast TV/digital ad business.

Like many in corporate America, COVID helped Rob realize what he was missing in life – more time with family. So in 2022, he left the TV/digital ad business to help Skip, a networking colleague, grow his award-winning marketing firm. In his own words, Rob said, “There’s nothing more satisfying than sharing my knowledge and experiences with small business owners to help them become more successful.”

Rob and his wife Amy live in Pewaukee. Their blended family is made up of his daughter Avery, his son Palmer, and his step-daughter Sam. In addition to keeping up with their kids’ busy schedules, Rob spends nights and weekends helping Amy with her successful real estate practice.


I tried out for the Brewers when I was in High School (1986 I think :)).

The idea that today could be a GREAT DAY! Learn something new. If I’m facing challenges, then just get after it. Working hard and working smart pays off!

Norway. The country is beautiful and the food looks amazing!