5 Ways To Prepare Your Digital Marketing Strategy For 2022

Entrepreneurs standing around a table filled with papers, preparing their digital marketing strategy for the new year

With the holidays coming up, the year 2021 will be over before we know it. Now is a great time to think about your marketing plan for 2022, and if you’re not sure what your next steps should be, we’ve got you covered! Here are 5 ways to prepare your digital marketing strategy for next year.

1. Dust Off That Blog

When was the last time you updated your blog/resources tab on your website? On average, 47% of customers want to read at least three blog posts on your business’ website before they make a purchase. If you haven’t written a new blog in a while, now is a great time to! Especially if you haven’t made a blog post in a couple of years, your business, products, and services have probably changed. It’s a good idea to keep your consumers up-to-date on what you have to offer.

2. Go Mobile

Not only do the majority of people spend time online nowadays, but they spend a lot of time browsing their apps and the internet from their phones. It’s a good idea to make sure your social media platforms like Facebook, Instagram, and LinkedIn are all up to date. This is also a good time to make your website mobile-friendly for easy shopping and browsing for current and new customers.

3. Up Your Graphic Design Game

The visuals of your business are key to the success of your advertising and marketing efforts. Take some time to think of bold colors and fun images/animations you can create. Our social media feeds are so cluttered nowadays, so using attractive graphics will set you apart from other businesses and pages. You automatically attract more audience members because it’s a lot more appealing to read from a picture or graphic than it is from a text paragraph.

4. Optimize for Voice Search

It’s projected that by 2022, 55% of households will have smart speakers. The good news is, optimizing your website for voice search is easy. The first step is to alter the keywords on your site to things that people would say versus type. For example, instead of saying, “how to make fried chicken,” people are more likely to say something like, “how do I make fried chicken?” These are small, simple changes that can go a long way.

5. Get Creative

Now is the time to think outside of the box. You can get creative in a number of different ways, like changing up the tone and style of your business. Maybe you want to try a more colorful and casual approach with your customers. Or you could communicate with them on a different platform like TikTok or Twitter. You can also reach out to current customers and ask what they want to see from you. Asking for their feedback is a great way to let them know you care about what they have to say!

Get ahead of the hustle and bustle of the holiday season and call the experts at Paragon Marketing Group today! You don’t need to stress when the near year comes around. We can help with all your marketing needs so you can start planning out your digital marketing strategy right away.

Professional Design: Keep It Consistent


Fall is the season of change, so what better time than now to change up your business’ graphic design strategy? There are a lot of bases to cover when it comes to professional graphic design. This includes colors and patterns, logo design, digital ad graphics, brochure layout, and much more.

Professional Design Offerings

Our graphic design team at Paragon Marketing Group has the resources you need to create a new strategy. Keep reading to find out what services we offer and how they can be beneficial to you!


It can be difficult to create or find a new image for your company. We want to showcase your business’s story through your logo, color scheme, and overall aesthetic of your online presence. Our trained staff has extensive knowledge on professional design tools like Adobe Photoshop, Illustrator, and InDesign to create exactly what you’re looking for. If you need some more guidance on rebranding, check out our blog on the importance of professional graphic design before taking the next step.


And we’re not just talking about social media ads. When you think about it, everything your business does is a sort of advertisement. This is why it’s important to design a logo and pick a font and color scheme throughout all your marketing. When your customers see your posts online or brochures at local events, you’re creating consistency in your advertising, which shows professionalism.

Remember that advertising isn’t only online. Here at Paragon, we can help you create posters, mailers, postcards, newspaper ads, and more. If you host any in-person event, your venue probably has a banner, t-shirts, or cup koozies with your company’s logo. It’s okay if you don’t know what would work best for your company’s logo. We can work with you to find the perfect design and colors.

Presentation Design

Do you have an important presentation for a livestream, pitch, or meeting that you need to create? It can become overwhelming to create a PowerPoint that follows the style of your business. It may be the last thing on your to-do list, which is why we’ve got you covered with Keynote and PowerPoint design.

With an important speech or gathering, having creative assets to assist your presentation can really take your business to the next level. Providing handouts and flyers to your audience can help seal the deal by allowing them to follow along with your presentation and get a closer look at your products and services.

We want you to do your job to the best of your ability. Why? So we can help you by doing our job to the best of our abilities! It’s okay if you’re completely new to the world of graphic design or if you come to us with a notebook full of ideas. Our team can help you out at any stage in the creative process, and we won’t stop until your expectations are exceeded. Call us at (262) 443-9092 or email us at [email protected] for more information.

4 End Of Summer Marketing Ideas

End Of Summer marketing tips.

Summer is winding down, but that doesn’t have to be a bad thing! There’s football, pumpkin spice lattes, and cozying up during chilly nights to look forward to – but not so fast. Sometimes the end of season can make you run out of marketing ideas . . .

End of Summer Marketing Ideas

Soak up these last few weeks of warm weather and the opportunity to boost your sales. Here are four fun end-of-summer marketing ideas:

1. Celebrate Fun and Unique Holidays

Between the Fourth of July and Halloween, there aren’t really a whole lot of things to celebrate – or so we thought. There are so many fun and quirky holidays your business can use to market your products and services! In the month of September, there’s National Swap Ideas Day, National Day of Encouragement, National Double Cheeseburger Day, and so much more. Check out a master calendar of all unique holidays and figure out how to incorporate them into an upcoming blog post and social media advertisement.

2. Host an Event

Did someone say barbeque? Make the farewell to the summer season a fun one by hosting a barbeque. This is a great way to connect with current clients and bring in some potential new ones. This is also a great way to market your business. Hang up banners, use cups, or wear hats and shirts with your business’ logo on it.

3. Market with the Weather

Is the weather hot, hot, hot? Why not give your customers an equally hot, hot, hot deal? If the temperature rises over a certain temperature, offer a discount on one of your services, or offer discounted beverages like iced tea or lemonade.

On the flip side, people are expecting hot deals… but what about cold sales? The obvious is to use the season to promote your products, so get ahead of what everyone else is doing and start advertising for something cool happening in the winter months. This not only helps you stand apart from your competitors, but it also gets your customers excited about what’s to come!

4. Try Out a New Style

Spring cleaning is out, Fall rebrand is in! This is a time when people transition into different schedules with school, work, and extracurricular activities. Why not switch up your business’ routine? Try out some new ideas, like starting up a podcast, cleaning up your website, or upgrading your logo. If you’re not sure how to design your website or where to start with graphic design, check out our blog page.

Turn the end of summer into something to celebrate! If starting a podcast or upgrading your video production sounds like the perfect way to ring in the fall season, give Paragon Marketing Group a call. We have the marketing ideas, resources, and proactive mindset to get you started. (262) 443-9092

Collaborate With Your Community

Time to Collaborate

Are you looking to grow your business’ network and increase your revenue? Of course, who isn’t? Even if you’re just looking for a way to switch up your advertising technique, we have the solution for you; collaborate with your community. Collaborating with other local businesses is a great way to combine and strengthen your skills while involving the community.

4 Reasons To Collaborate with Your Community

Collaborating with your community will . . .

1. Grow Your Network

By collaborating, you are opening up new connections to another small business within your shared community. You create new contacts for you and your employers to form successful and useful alliances. By hosting an event or seminar with them, you also gain access to their consumers and customers.

2. Save Money

Depending on what kind of partnership you’re partaking in, both companies can be splitting time and effort into production, including expenses. These expenses can vary from marketing and advertising expenses to a physical table at a local farmers market or other locations. Collaboration is a great marketing tool for your business because you can get a bigger bang for your buck by expanding your advertising to a wider audience for a lesser expense and use of resources.

3. Spark Creativity

It can be easy to get stuck in a rut. We get used to our day-to-day routine and forget to research new ways to boost our businesses online. What’s a better way to switch it up than working with a set of fresh, new eyes? Collaborating on any sort of project invites both parties to invite the skills they already have and combine them with new ones to create an entirely different marketing plan.

4. Create Connections within Your Community

Putting financial and marketing benefits aside, having the chance to talk to the people in your community is a win-win for both businesses! There are so many ways you can get involved with your community like hosting a seminar, sponsoring something fun like a bar crawl, or just a simple networking event at a local coffee shop. If hosting something in person isn’t quite your speed, you can also hold an online webinar or workshop! Any way you can work with customers in a social and exciting way, is sure to be a success.

The sky’s the limit with what you can do to collaborate with local businesses. Summer is the perfect time to host an event to get your brand out there! If you aren’t sure how to plan an event or advertise for it, the people at Paragon Marketing Group are here to help. Call or message us today (262)443-9092

Word-Of-Mouth Marketing Case Study: St. John’s Lutheran Church

Religious marketing

What do you know about word-of-mouth marketing? Check out the word-of-mouth marketing case study by Paragon Marketing Group below, featuring St. John’s Lutheran Church in North Prairie, Wisconsin.


St. John’s Lutheran Church in North Prairie, WI has been a staple in the community since 1887 when the church was built. Over the years the church has served the city and surrounding communities in a variety of ways. One of which is the creation of a Preschool and Daycare (PSDC) over 34 years ago. Since that time, the teachers and aides have seen thousands of children come and go through the doors. There have been many changes over the last five years in the PSDC; keeping steady and growing enrollment of children in the program has been a struggle. The numbers have been declining over the years with increased competition and advancement in the public school system. Unlike many public programs, St. John’s roots its curriculum in the teachings of Jesus Christ and the Word of God.


St. John’s Church PSDC has been leaning on solely word-of-mouth advertising and has not done any substantial promoting over the years. There is no real online presence in any way; therefore, no one truly knows about this part of the church unless they happen to drive through North Prairie. The PSDC has made a few social posts here and there with a limited budget for event advertising. The goal for preschool enrollment for the 2021/22 school year is minimally 42 students. The busiest time for enrollments is usually July to August as the final push for the September start date. The Board of Directors and the Director of the preschool and daycare set this number.

Solution and Results

After an analysis, we discovered there was no Google My Business for the PSDC. Reports suggested that ads through Google would be seen significantly higher than expected for the targeted demographic and geographical locations. The website’s page level SEO was adequate but would over time need adjusting. Finally, Facebook and Instagram social media platforms seemed to be an obvious well of possibilities.

The solutions implemented for the PSDC were aggressive Google Ads and Facebook advertising campaigns. We targeted the Google campaigns to the communities surrounding the school in a 10 mile reach. Likewise, Facebook and Instagram had the same geographical reach. We targeted parents and grandparents caring for children in a daycare age group. The results of the Google campaigns over the course of 95 days, ending in June 2021, were the following: 83,700 advertising impressions with 1,630 clicks, 137 calls, and 304 location actions. Facebook campaigns ran for 40 days with an ad impression reach of 5,485 and clicks of 85. The total ad spend between both of these campaigns were approximately $1,450 dollars.

The results for enrollments have been remarkable. Since the start of the campaigns through June 2021, the PSDC has a total of 32 students enrolled in the program for 2021/22 with a few months left of enrollment. They have new appointments scheduled for walk-throughs on a daily basis, and they may submit 8 enrollment packets for consideration. Due to the aggressive campaign, the results and trends point to the minimum thresholds being met for the upcoming school year. The campaigns helped with building their brand and bringing this highly respected institution to the forefront of the area’s schools.

4 Ways Event Hosting Can Benefit Your Business

Event marketing.

The sun is shining, the birds are chirping, and doors are opening! If the last year and a half has taught us anything, it’s to appreciate quality time with those who matter. That’s why now is a great time for event hosting. It will not only benefit your business, but also bring enjoyment to your customers. The best part is, you don’t need to have a huge marketing budget to plan the occasion.

How Will Your Business Benefit from Event Hosting?

Here are 4 reasons event hosting can benefit your business today:

1. Provides Opportunity for Customer Interaction

According to a Salesforce Research study, 89% of consumers are more likely to make another purchase after having a positive customer service experience. Think about it, are you more likely to purchase from a company with whom you have a personal relationship? Or from a company that didn’t make an effort to connect with you at all? When you establish that connection with consumers, you have the opportunity to create future marketing campaigns they’ll want to attend.

By hosting in-person events, you have a wonderful opportunity to get to know your customers on a personal level with face-to-face interactions. The event doesn’t always have to be extreme and out of the box. It could be a coffee and donuts, a table at your farmer’s market, or an event with pizza and beer.

2. Builds Brand Awareness

Face-to-face interactions help boost your customer retention rate which can help with your brand awareness. Regardless of the event type, ensure your business’s logo, brand colors, and apparel are visible and accessible. By plastering your logo on a banner for the occasion, your customers become comfortable and familiar with your brand. Don’t be afraid to bring pens, tote bags, stickers, or whatever else has your company logo to give to consumers.

3. Generates Publicity And Leads

Hosting in-person events can help attract people outside of your customer base which can help you gain sales leads. Regardless of how big or small your business is, it’s important to always promote your products and services. Local newspapers, coffee shops, and radio stations are typically willing and happy to work with you to promote your event, especially if it brings traffic to these resources and places. Don’t be afraid to write a press release and send it to your selected contacts prior to the event.

4. Increases Your Revenue

Of course, ticket purchases for attending the event provides immediate cash flow, but there are other ways hosting an event can increase your revenue. By creating a space to connect with new and current customers, you have a great opportunity for people to purchase your products and services. If they do not purchase anything at the event itself, you at least created a connection to allow them to return to your business when your services are needed.

Regardless of how big or small your event is, bringing your customers and employees together in a social setting is a great way to build relationships and boost your business’ SEO. If you have an event in mind but aren’t sure how to promote it, call or message Paragon Marketing Group today! (262)443-9092

Why Word of Mouth Marketing Is Important

Word of mouth marketing.

Think about the last time you went out for dinner or took a detour to a new coffee shop on your way to work. You probably checked it out because a friend told you to. Ever think about the experience you had where you were so excited to tell someone about it? Actually, 72% of people get news from friends and family. These are all examples of word of mouth marketing (WOMM) and it’s extremely helpful for your business.

What Is Word of Mouth Marketing?

WOMM is, “when a consumer’s interest in a company’s product or service is reflected in their daily dialogues.” It’s basically free advertisement for your product or service and it’s all thanks to your customers. Since so many people post and communicate over social media platforms, WOMM doesn’t just happen in person – it happens over social media, too.

Why Is It Important?

WOMM, especially in the day and age of technology, is extremely important because it doesn’t stop after one interaction. It creates a domino effect. If you post about a restaurant, your friend will repost it, their friends will see it, who’s family will see that, and so on. 83% of Americans say that word-of-mouth recommendations from friends or family members make them more likely to purchase that product or service.

How Do You Use Word of Mouth Marketing?

Rather than collecting followers, start connecting with them! WOMM will only work if your customers really believe in your service and company. Be engaging and interactive with your customers online. Establishing a connection with them is important to boost your WOMM. The more passionate they feel about you, the more likely they are to refer your product to a friend.

How Do You Increase Its Potential?

  1. Create a Trigger – triggers are little cues, whether it be an image, song, or environment that reminds customers of your brand. Jonah Berger, a Wharton marketing professor, says, “what immediately comes to mind when someone says peanut butter? Was it jelly? In this case, peanut butter acts almost like an advertisement for jelly.”
  2. Make Yourself Interesting – don’t be afraid to show your authentic self and voice to your customers! Think about what your customers want to see. Whether it’s behind the scenes videos or live streaming videos, make yourself look fun and interesting.
  3. Provoke Emotion – people are more likely to talk about your service if they have an emotional attachment to it. You’re not going to share an “OK” experience with your friends, are you? Give your customers an outstanding experience they will want to share with others. Humans respond to emotions – provoke something that makes people feel happy, makes them laugh, or something that tugs at the heartstrings.

When used efficiently, word of mouth marketing is a great way to attract new customers. The good news is, it’s completely free to try out, too! If you aren’t sure where to start, give Paragon Marketing Group a call. Our crew has all the right tools to help you out. (262) 443-9092

5 Ways To Spring Clean Your Business

Spring clean your marketing.

Spring is the time for rebirth, and we’re not talking just about your closet at home. It’s also the perfect time to put to rest what is no longer benefiting your business and instill fresh, new habits. In other words? It’s time to spring clean your business.

5 Ways To Spring Clean Your Business

Bring the cleaning supplies to your office with these 5 ways to spring clean your business:

1. Clean Up Your Marketing Strategy

Your marketing strategy from the winter months probably won’t have the same effect as your spring and summer marketing campaigns. Think about what clean and fresh things you can bring to the table. Marketing especially is an ever growing and developing strategy, and it’s important to revisit quite often. You can clean it up by…

  • Revisiting your brand
  • Researching marketing trends
  • Take note of what your customers interact with the most on social media
  • Upgrading your email marketing

2. Dust Off Your Website

Keeping your website up to date is a crucial part of your spring cleaning process. Check out our previous blog on the importance of a good website and keep reading to find out how you can clean it up.

Your business has probably grown or changed a lot since last spring. If you don’t regularly update your website, now is the perfect time to do so. If you switched up your brand, you can weave your business’ new image throughout the website by updating the logo, colors, and even text fonts. You can also boost your SEO by updating your website’s content.

3. Deep Clean Your Business Goals

Just like anything, your business can change and develop quite a bit over time. This is a great time to evaluate your progress. Review your past goals: have you met your goals? What can you do to reach them? If your business’ targets seem out of reach or unrealistic, there’s nothing wrong with re-crafting them. Not only should you establish your business’ goals, but you should also make an action plan on how you can reach them.

4. Declutter the Office

Your spring cleaning doesn’t just have to happen online – physically clean up your space! For some, this might be the most fun part, and for others, the worst part. Invite everyone in the office to clean their space and shared spaces. From organizing folders and paperwork to dusting off the shelves or cleaning out the coffee pot, cleaning your office will allow for more space, both mentally and physically. Feel free to make it fun and turn on some music everyone can enjoy while they clean!

5. Organize Your Social Media Accounts

What does your online presence look like? If you don’t frequently post on your social media accounts, there’s a good chance that they don’t properly reflect your business’ brand and philosophy. After taking the time to clean up your marketing strategy and business goals, you can update your social media platforms accordingly. This is the perfect time to tighten any loose ends and make sure your online presence is a positive reflection of your business.

It can be difficult to get the motivation, but Paragon Marketing Group can give you the push you need to spring clean your business! We have the right people and resources to help meet all of your marketing needs. You bring the fresh, new ideas, and we’ll bring the cleaning supplies! (262)443-9092

Why Your Business Needs A Website

The Importance of a Good Website for your Business

94% of first impressions relate to your site's web design. In a digital age where the importance of your social media presence is so significantly talked about, it can be easy to forget about your website or dismiss it as less important than what you’re posting to Facebook and Instagram. However, there are many reasons why your business needs a website.

5 Reasons Why Your Business Needs a Website

The importance of a quality website cannot be overlooked or overstated, so here are 5 reasons we believe your business needs a website:

1. Cost Effective

Putting time and effort into your website is a guaranteed return on investment (ROI), because your website is a sales tool. You’re putting more money into it upfront with the design and development which means you won’t have to spend as much on the upkeep and maintenance of your website.

2. Established Brand, Voice, and Credibility

Your website is oftentimes the first thing potential customers see when learning about your business. That’s why it’s important to put your time and care into the design of your website. From text font and size to color palette and content layout, your website can tell customers a lot about your business’ beliefs and principles. By continuously updating your website’s content, it will let customers know that you’re quick with communication and you’re in the know about the world surrounding your products and services.

3. Strong SEO

Think about how you go about researching a new restaurant or trying to find a local service. You typically search using a specific phrase or keywords to get you to the best choice. Apply this to your website content and creation! By adding certain keywords and graphics to your website, you can directly affect and improve your business’ SEO.

4. Build Trust

People don’t trust poorly designed websites. If someone sees a poorly constructed website with outdated information, they automatically lose trust in the company by raising confusion and questions. By consistently updating the content and design of your website, current and new customers will feel comfortable using your products and services.

5. Your Competitors Are Doing it

That’s right; your competitors are doing it, too. They’re utilizing their website to establish trust and credibility with potential customers. If you want to remain in competition with them, you must update your website. By using web design to boost your business’ brand and reputation, you can stand out from your competitors.

We mention quite a bit about website design and content. If you’re not sure how to get started on designing a website, Paragon Marketing Group is here to help! We have all the tools and skills to bring your website to life and set you apart from your competition! Call or message us today (262) 443-9092

5 Ways Graphic Design Can Improve Your Brand

Why should I have professional graphic design?

Graphic design is a must for all aspects of your business right now! From website content to social media posts to email marketing, graphic design can go a long way in improving your brand. Take a look at what’s trending and learn how graphic design can improve your brand.

5 Ways Graphic Design Can Improve Your Brand

Can graphic design really improve your brand? Check out these 5 simple ways graphic design could help you build better brand awareness for your business:

1. Flexible Aesthetic

When choosing what aesthetic you want to use to represent your company, the possibilities are endless! Right now, all sorts of designs are trending. From 3D design to minimalism, your business can go in virtually any direction. It’s a good idea to look at your target audience and consider what they would interact with most. You can post different graphics to see which receive the most interaction. You can even do formal research based on their age and what generation your main demographic is and look at what that generation is most likely to look for aesthetically.

2. Simple Data Visualization

Customers want to know numbers and stats in the quickest and easiest way possible. Of course, you’re the expert so information about your service or product may seem second-nature to you, but complicated to your audience. Data is constantly being circulated nowadays and it’s important to find ways to communicate it in the simplest way.

3. Social Media Carousels

Rather than trying to jam pack a bunch of information into one image or Instagram description, try disbursing your information over a couple of slides, like this. This is a great way for you to communicate a greater amount of information to your audience without overloading them.

4. Retro Palettes

This could be due to the COVID-19 pandemic, but many people have found themselves clinging to comfort and nostalgia lately. Retro fonts and color palettes have been resurfacing and there are so many fun things your business can do with it. Using imagery of nostalgia can be used as a sort of security blanket for your customers, making them feel safe and comfortable with your business.

5. Sustainable Packaging

Graphic design plays a huge role in the physical packaging of your products. When thinking about the wrapping itself, consider the possibility of positive packaging. Not only are people starting to love the look of sustainable boxes and bags, but you’re doing good by being environmentally-conscious. Just like eco-friendly products lead to the simplification of materials, professional graphic design leads to more sustainable packaging. Most imagery or text included on the packaging will have a more organic, simple approach to match the physical packaging.

It’s incredible how many ways you can improve your brand with graphic design! It can be used on so many different platforms like your website, social media pages, email marketing, physical packaging, magazines, and more. If you have questions about how to incorporate these trends into your business, Paragon Marketing Group is here to help. Contact us today!