Create A Marketing Plan For 2021

2021 marketing plan.

The cozy, warm vibes of fall are an easy excuse to slip into a slow and sluggish routine. This is actually a great time to hit the ground running and hash out a 2021 marketing plan and strategy! Relaxing during the holidays will be a lot more fulfilling knowing you’re already prepared for the new year. Don’t worry, you don’t have to do it alone; we’ve curated a list of some great ways for you to get a plan in place.

2021 Marketing Plan To-Do List

-Embrace Change

Think about it: is the marketing plan you had in place back in January 2020 relevant anymore? Chances are, you had to change and adapt to quite a bit of change since then. Having a plan in place helps to set a pace and keep your business organized, but be open to making changes as the year progresses.

-Set a List of Goals

Before you go full speed ahead into 2021, it’s important to establish what you want to accomplish for the year. Making a list of goals will help keep you on track, and imagine how good it will feel to check off each one as you complete them! If you’re not sure where to start with your goals, try using something like SMART goals or CLEAR objectives as a template.

-Stay Connected

If there’s anything to take from 2020, it’s that life is unpredictable. Who knows what’s to come in the next calendar year? Staying connected to your customers, especially online, is crucial. Keeping your website and social media sites up to date, making it easy for customers to contact you via phone, email, or online chat, and even incorporating more virtual events is a great way to stay connected.

-Keep Track of Results and Know Your Audience

While analyzing what works now for your customers is a good way to get started, really honing in and looking to see what your audience is attracted to monthly, weekly, and in certain cases, daily will help to know what kind of content to post. Keeping track can also help you establish a marketing budget.

-Give a Little Bit of Extra Love to Online Marketing

There’s a lot to organize and keep track of in your business. And sometimes we place marketing on the back burner. With your customers spending more time online now than they would have before, putting a little extra time and money into your marketing efforts will go a long way. Consider posting on your socials more, extending your services to online if possible, and keeping your website up to date.

Adding “adaptability” and “flexibility” to your everyday vocabulary AND your marketing plan is important for 2021! Be open to change, especially for your business’ marketing plan. We know starting can be scary; Paragon Marketing Group is here to help you through it all! Call or message us today (262)443-9092