Harnessing the Power of Video Testimonials for Your Business

An example of the power of video testimonials with the Paragon Marketing Group video team

Video testimonials have emerged as an impactful tool for businesses to connect with their audience. At Paragon Marketing Group, we understand the value and power of video testimonials, not only for attracting new clients but also for hiring top talent.

In this blog post, we’ll cover how utilizing video testimonials strategically can elevate your brand and build trust with both customers and potential employees.

How to Use Video Testimonials to Market Your Business

Discover how video testimonials can attract new clients and new talent:

Attracting Clients with Authentic Video Testimonials

Video testimonials from satisfied clients provide a genuine and relatable insight into the value your business offers. Unlike written reviews, video testimonials capture the client’s emotions, expressions, and tone, making the endorsement more credible and engaging.

A great example that demonstrates the power of video testimonials is from our client Daryl Burczyk, owner of Lilikoi Resort. Check out his video testimonial for Paragon Marketing Group below.

Are you harnessing the power of video testimonials for your business?

Takeaway: Video testimonials humanize your brand, making it easier for potential clients to trust your products or services.

Boosting Employee Recruitment with Video Testimonials

Attracting the right talent is crucial for any business’s success. Unlike client testimonials that are more likely to affect potential new customers, video testimonials from current employees can showcase your company culture, values, and the benefits of working with your team.

Job seekers researching your company can learn about current staff’s personal stories and experiences. Rather than just hoping for the best, job seekers will have a much better idea of the company culture before deciding whether to apply.

Recently, we filmed a short video testimonial to showcase the culture here at Paragon Marketing Group. Take a look:

Takeaway: Employee video testimonials can significantly enhance your recruitment efforts by providing a genuine glimpse into your workplace culture.

Capturing Testimonials with Professional Video Production

To capture compelling video testimonials, we recommend enlisting a professional video specialist. At Paragon Marketing Group, video production is a cornerstone of our services, delivering high-quality content across various platforms.

Before you pick up your smartphone to record a testimonial, consider partnering with Paragon Marketing Group. We can create videos for your website and produce effective training materials, ensuring your video testimonials are polished and impactful.

Takeaway: High-quality video production is essential for creating compelling and professional video testimonials.

Why Choose Paragon Marketing Group?

As a former video production company, Paragon Marketing Group is uniquely positioned to provide unparalleled video production services. We handle everything from filming to live streaming to post-production and ensure your videos are placed where they will be most effective. Our comprehensive approach means your video testimonials will not only look professional but will also be strategically used to achieve your marketing goals.

Here’s a Quick Recap:
  1. Video testimonials humanize your brand, making it easier for potential clients to trust your products or services.
  2. Employee video testimonials can significantly enhance your recruitment efforts by providing a genuine glimpse into your workplace culture.
  3. High-quality video production is essential for creating compelling and professional video testimonials.

Video testimonials are a powerful tool that can transform your business’s marketing and hiring efforts. By showcasing authentic client experiences and highlighting your company culture, you build trust and credibility with both potential customers and future employees.

At Paragon Marketing Group, we are committed to helping you harness the full potential of video testimonials through our expert video production and marketing services. Please visit our website at paragonmarketinggroup.com or call us at 262-443-9092 to learn more about how we can elevate your business with the power of video testimonials.

5 Video Marketing Strategies For 2021

video marketing 2021

What’s on your new year’s resolutions list? Eating healthy, staying active, and traveling of course. What about upping your video content game? 2021 is the year of fun, trying new things, and being adaptable! We’ve created a list of video marketing strategies your business should be incorporating into your marketing plan this year.

Video Marketing Strategies

What type of video content could up your marketing for 2021? Check out these 5 video marketing strategies:

1. Casual, Laidback Content

Yes, you read that right. In light of COVID-19, big video production has been put on hold. Throughout the year, we’ve seen companies create advertisements and videos from compiled home videos of their employees and customers and we don’t see this leaving us any time soon. Above anything else, people prefer authentic content. That means snippets of live streams and selfie videos from your iPhone can be used and reused on your social accounts! While they may be lower quality, they invite personality to your business and your clients can have a better understanding for your company’s message and morals.

2. Live-Streaming

You can also thank COVID for this one. Did you know that the online live streaming industry has grown 99% between April 2019 and April 2020? Live streaming has become increasingly more popular for many reasons. It’s a way for businesses to directly interact with their customers and people love it because they can watch video content with advertisements or commercials. According to Livestream, 82% of people prefer live video from a brand over standard social media posts and 80% of people prefer live streaming over reading a blog from a brand.

3. Super Short Videos

We’re talking 5-10 seconds short. We all know and love the “Skip Ad” option on Facebook and Youtube videos. Creating an advertisement that people can watch before being able to skip the ad ensures that your content is being seen.

4. Long Video

To the same degree, consumers are increasingly enjoying longer content. Perhaps it’s due to COVID and freed up time on people’s hands, people are getting more used to watching longer content. A recent study found that videos longer than 15 minutes account for 50% of all video engagement but only 8% of content. This means you can produce fewer, longer videos for better results. The key to success is to make the video exciting and engaging.

5. 360 Video and AR Content

360 video is a powerful tool to allow your audience to be more interactive with your content. This type of video is becoming more popular even for regular, every day people to use. AR content is being used by big businesses and smaller companies are slowly catching on. IKEA, for example, allows you to place their products into your living spaces to see it for their intended use.

With these video marketing strategies, your business is sure to capture the attention of new and current customers. Paragon Marketing Group is no stranger to any of these types of videography and are eager to help you launch into the new year! Call or message us today (262)443-9092

Positive Impacts Of Email Marketing

Email marketing.

When you think of marketing in 2020, you probably aren’t thinking of the positive impacts – or any impact – of email marketing. Many believe that email promotions are dead, but a recent study found that there are 3.9 billion daily email users and 73% of millennials prefer communication from businesses via email.

Positive Impacts of Email Marketing

What are some of the positive impacts of email marketing? With email marketing, you can . . .

Increase Communication with Current Customers

Email marketing is a great way to increase loyalty with your current customers. This is because customers must ask to receive emails by manually signing up for your newsletter. This allows you to communicate with your consumers on a broader level but you still control how personalized the contents of the email can be.

Educate your Customers

As stated above, you get to personalize what goes into your emails. This type of marketing is to not only sell a product but to also educate your clients on matters related to your services as well as your company’s values.

Improve Sales

Did you know that 59% of marketers say email is their biggest source of ROI (Return On Investment)? Your email marketing campaigns should include messages to encourage your customers to purchase products. They may be more likely to make a purchase because they actively chose to receive messages like these from you. Email marketing allows the ease of purchasing a product with no more than two clicks. With a catchy tagline, your email can take a customer right to the checkout page of a product on your website.

Increase Your Value

After some trial and error, you’ll be able to discover what communication strategy works best with your customers. Once you do, your customers will pay more attention to the message in each email. In return, you’ll be able to establish the brand of your business and create a closer relationship with your clients.

Reach People from Anywhere Instantly

Email marketing reaches customers faster than a social media post. This is because the email notification shows up on a smartphone as it’s sent out. Rather than having to scroll through Instagram or Facebook to see the post, it’s instant. People are constantly checking their emails: first thing in the morning at work, while at lunch, and even when lounging around.

Learn What Works

Email marketing is another way for you to monitor what’s working and what’s not based on clicks. After sending out a campaign, you can look back and see which links had the most amount of traffic. From there, try incorporating more of that topic into your emails, social media posts, and advertisements.

These are just six of several ways in which email marketing can benefit your business. The best news is, it’s cheap and easy to get started with it! Call or message Paragon Marketing Group today (262) 443-9092.

Positive Impacts Of Email Marketing

Email marketing.

When you think of marketing in 2020, you probably aren’t thinking of the positive impacts – or any impact – of email marketing. Many believe that email promotions are dead, but a recent study found that there are 3.9 billion daily email users and 73% of millennials prefer communication from businesses via email.

Positive Impacts of Email Marketing

What are some of the positive impacts of email marketing? With email marketing, you can . . .

Increase Communication with Current Customers

Email marketing is a great way to increase loyalty with your current customers. This is because customers must ask to receive emails by manually signing up for your newsletter. This allows you to communicate with your consumers on a broader level but you still control how personalized the contents of the email can be.

Educate Your Customers

As stated above, you get to personalize what goes into your emails. This type of marketing is to not only sell a product but to also educate your clients on matters related to your services as well as your company’s values.

Improve Sales

Did you know that 59% of marketers say email is their biggest source of ROI (Return On Investment)? Your email marketing campaigns should include messages to encourage your customers to purchase products. They may be more likely to make a purchase because they actively chose to receive messages like these from you. Email marketing allows the ease of purchasing a product with no more than two clicks. With a catchy tagline, your email can take a customer right to the checkout page of a product on your website.

Increase your Value

After some trial and error, you’ll be able to discover what communication strategy works best with your customers. Once you do, your customers will pay more attention to the message in each email. In return, you’ll be able to establish the brand of your business and create a closer relationship with your clients.

Reach People from Anywhere Instantly

Email marketing reaches customers faster than a social media post. This is because the email notification shows up on a smartphone as it’s sent out. Rather than having to scroll through Instagram or Facebook to see the post, it’s instant. People are constantly checking their emails: first thing in the morning at work, while at lunch, and even when lounging around.

Learn What Works

Email marketing is another way for you to monitor what’s working and what’s not based on clicks. After sending out a campaign, you can look back and see which links had the most amount of traffic. From there, try incorporating more of that topic into your emails, social media posts, and advertisements.

These are just six of several positive impacts of email marketing. The best news is, it’s cheap and easy to get started with it! Call or message Paragon Marketing Group today (262) 443-9092.

Adapt Your Marketing In 2021

2021 marketing.

As 2020 progressed, we learned that we have to adapt to the new environment we live in. However, this is not a contemporary concept to the world of marketing. Living in the digital age of technology and social media, things are constantly changing which means your business needs to regularly adapt your marketing. Here’s what’s to come in 2021…

5 Changes To Adapt Your Marketing in the New Year

Here are 5 changes you’ll need to adapt your marketing in 2021:

Mobile Functionality

We understand that mobile marketing is not a trend – it’s here to stay. It’s predicted that smartphone users will exceed 280 million users in 2021. This means that more people will not only research, but also shop online on mobile devices. Make sure your website is up to date and easy to use on mobile devices. Not only for your blog and contact page, but also your services and products page.

User-Generated Content (UGC)

UGC is any content (images, audio, text, video) that has been created or posted by a user of a brand. This means that those Google and Facebook reviews matter more now than ever! This version of word-of-mouth marketing is powerful and authentic. Of course, it’s not a new type of content, but one in which you should invest. Not only is it a fun way to get your customers more involved but it’s a great way to market your business.

Search Engine Optimization (SEO) and Voice Search

SEO is a key and effective way to build your online presence. As technology develops, voice search becomes more popular. According to a report from Juniper Research, the percentage of homes predicted to own a smart speaker (Google Home, Alexa, etc.) is 55%. If you consider how many people who already use Google and Siri on their smartphones, think about how you should optimize your business for SEO. Consider what keywords you plug into your website and posts.

Brand Activism

While this prediction is very much based on an individual’s beliefs, it’s said that a business’ stand on hot-topic issues socially and politically play a huge part in their loyal customer base. For example, a big corporation like Ben & Jerry’s teamed up with the Climate Council for their ‘Unfudge our Future’ campaign. This is a new range of products pushing the Australian government to ditch fossil fuels and embrace renewable energy. Movements like this are not only a way to invite new customers with similar beliefs, but to build a more loyal and secure relationship with current customers.

Nostalgia Marketing

I’m sure you saw Geico’s classic “hump day” commercial make a comeback in the early days of quarantine. This type of marketing has become popular in recent months due to the pandemic. Even though we live in a fast-paced world, everyone likes to take a moment and look back at memories every once in a while. Instead of focusing on the new, paying attention to familiarity is comfortable and it makes people feel good – science even says so.

Living in such a fast paced environment can be a lot! Having a plan and preparing your business for current and upcoming trends is the first step to making for a smooth transition into 2021. If you’re not sure where to go from here, Paragon Marketing Group can help you adapt your marketing. Contact us today at (262)443-9092!

Benefits of Being Active on Facebook

Social media marketing.

Social media. Regardless of how connected or disconnected you are, social media can greatly benefit your business. It’s a convenient and fun way to engage with current customers and attract new ones. Small businesses have an advantage on social media for they’re more focused on individuals. There are so many benefits you can gain for your business by staying active on Facebook. The more you engage with followers and customers, the more success you’ll have and the better relationships you’ll build. Respond to comments and reviews, and quickly respond to messages. Make it personal. Not only will this make your current customers feel listened to and respected, but new customers will notice!

How Can Being Active on Facebook Help Your Business?

It’s important to remember not all social media platforms are compatible for your business. You have to decide what’s right for you. Facebook might be a great platform for your business because it’s easy to use and it’s a platform for all ages. We compiled a list of some of the ways your business can benefit from being active on social media, specifically Facebook!

Covers all Three Means of Communication

Verbal, nonverbal, and visual. Unlike Instagram, YouTube, or other visually based platforms, Facebook allows you to share pictures, videos, simple text posts, or livestream. By engaging in all three means of communication, your business can reach and connect with more people, depending on their likes and dislikes.

Share Basic Information about Business

A lot of people use Facebook to find a specific product or service. Making a page for your business allows you to provide people with business hours, contact information, company address, and more. You can add an “About” paragraph and biography about you and your business, post reviews, and advertise your services.

Provide Customer Service and Support

Living in such a fast-paced world, we don’t always have time to sit down on a phone call. Having a Facebook page allows potential customers to ask questions about your business and current customers to send follow up questions and comments about services you provided through private messaging. This allows both you and your customers to reach out on your own time, but with accessibility through your smartphone or computer, it’s easier than ever to give or get a quick response.

Promotes Word-of-Mouth Marketing

Facebook is a great way to get more exposure to your business. Think of it as a snowball effect; you post a funny video or helpful insight to your page; your customers engage with the post by liking, commenting, and sharing. Their friends and family will see that they engaged with your business, pulling them into the intrigue, and so on. You can encourage this by holding some sort of social media contest or other sorts of content that will get your followers to share your page.

You may be thinking, sure, these are all great points, but what if you don’t have extra time to spend on social media? Or I’m not too tech savvy, where do I begin? We understand that there are a lot of moving parts in a small business and it can be a lot. Paragon Marketing Group is here to help. If you have zero or 100 ideas for social media posts and engagement, we have the right people and tools to get the job done. Give us a call or message us today (262)443-9092

Create A Marketing Plan For 2021

2021 marketing plan.

The cozy, warm vibes of fall are an easy excuse to slip into a slow and sluggish routine. This is actually a great time to hit the ground running and hash out a 2021 marketing plan and strategy! Relaxing during the holidays will be a lot more fulfilling knowing you’re already prepared for the new year. Don’t worry, you don’t have to do it alone; we’ve curated a list of some great ways for you to get a plan in place.

2021 Marketing Plan To-Do List

-Embrace Change

Think about it: is the marketing plan you had in place back in January 2020 relevant anymore? Chances are, you had to change and adapt to quite a bit of change since then. Having a plan in place helps to set a pace and keep your business organized, but be open to making changes as the year progresses.

-Set a List of Goals

Before you go full speed ahead into 2021, it’s important to establish what you want to accomplish for the year. Making a list of goals will help keep you on track, and imagine how good it will feel to check off each one as you complete them! If you’re not sure where to start with your goals, try using something like SMART goals or CLEAR objectives as a template.

-Stay Connected

If there’s anything to take from 2020, it’s that life is unpredictable. Who knows what’s to come in the next calendar year? Staying connected to your customers, especially online, is crucial. Keeping your website and social media sites up to date, making it easy for customers to contact you via phone, email, or online chat, and even incorporating more virtual events is a great way to stay connected.

-Keep Track of Results and Know Your Audience

While analyzing what works now for your customers is a good way to get started, really honing in and looking to see what your audience is attracted to monthly, weekly, and in certain cases, daily will help to know what kind of content to post. Keeping track can also help you establish a marketing budget.

-Give a Little Bit of Extra Love to Online Marketing

There’s a lot to organize and keep track of in your business. And sometimes we place marketing on the back burner. With your customers spending more time online now than they would have before, putting a little extra time and money into your marketing efforts will go a long way. Consider posting on your socials more, extending your services to online if possible, and keeping your website up to date.

Adding “adaptability” and “flexibility” to your everyday vocabulary AND your marketing plan is important for 2021! Be open to change, especially for your business’ marketing plan. We know starting can be scary; Paragon Marketing Group is here to help you through it all! Call or message us today (262)443-9092

Top 6 Fall Marketing Ideas

Top 6 Fall Marketing Ideas

Fall is a time for change, focus, and hustle. In nature, fall is a time for death, but this also means a time for rebirth. How do we take this idea and translate it to our business? Creating some new fall marketing ideas is a great place to start.

Try These Top 6 Fall Marketing Ideas

We found the top 6 fall marketing ideas you can take advantage of this upcoming season. Check them out below:

1. Celebrate New Holidays

Halloween, Thanksgiving, and Christmas are always fun holidays to celebrate, but finding smaller holidays that relate to your business is great to use for marketing to new and current customers. For example, if you’re running a local coffee shop, offer deals and celebrate National Coffee Day (September 29). If you run a restaurant, consider celebrating National Pasta Day on October 17th!

2. Collaborate with Local Businesses and Organizations

People recognize fall as a way to spend time with friends and family, especially in your local community! Working with other businesses to host something like a special discount, promotion, or something fun like a cookout. This is a great way to expand your connections and bring in potential customers.

3. Take Advantage of Holiday Spending and Savings

On one end, this is the time of year where people spend a little more on themselves and family members for holiday gifts. At the same time, people love to save and will splurge on something if it’s a deal (Black Friday, Cyber Monday, etc.) Take advantage of this and get creative with some discount deals and announcements!

4. Express Gratitude and Thankfulness

While it’s important to express gratitude all year around, the holidays remind us of how thankful we are for family, friends, your business, and your customers! Your marketing techniques don’t always have to revolve around a service or product. Sometimes putting in the time and effort to say “thank you” to loyal customers goes a long way.

5. Get Creative with Themed Giveaways

Who doesn’t love themed gifts? People go especially crazy for pumpkin spice flavored anything. Take advantage of the tropes of fall like pumpkins, colored leaves, movies and hot cocoa, and more to add to your business’ ads or posts. Not only will this attract your audience to the post itself, but it will also encourage them to reach out to find out more information about your services and products – don’t be afraid to get creative!

6. Boost Your Media Output

Especially in Wisconsin, the chilly weather invites people to cozy up inside. Because of this, people are probably seeking out more things on social media to watch and interact with. This is a great time to up your video production game and put out some awesome material for your new and current customers.

Now that you have all of these awesome fall-themed ideas for your business, it can be difficult to find a good starting point. If you have a seed of an idea or a fully bloomed proposal, Paragon Marketing Group is here to help you every step of the way. Call or message us today for more information! 262.443.9092

What is SEO and How Can Your Business Use It?

Online marketing is an important factor to the growth of any business nowadays, especially through search engines. You have PPC, which are Pay-Per-Click ads and SEO, which is Search Engine Optimization, or in other words, real and organic clicks. Sure, PPC is a great option for your company, but did you know that organic results are 8.5x more likely to be clicked on than paid search results?

SEO can be intimidating and difficult to understand, but we’ve broken it down into simple terms. SEO is a process of optimization for your website to accumulate and receive real, organic, and unpaid clicks from search engine results. When a user searches for certain keywords or topics, search engines scan through websites to figure out which ones are easiest to navigate through, read, and understand.

So, how can your business most efficiently take advantage of and use SEO?

The first thing you can do is make changes and improvements to your website where needed. Search engines file through many different things on your website like your title page, subheadings, internal links, and body content. By making improvements to these things, search engines can better understand what your business is about, dive deeper into understanding your business with internal links, and better find keywords and phrases to match the user’s search.

As mentioned before, keywords and phrases are also important to content marketing. The more content you create around certain keywords, the higher your page will rank on search engine result pages. This can also be carried over to voice searching. Voice search is the new way people are using their search engines, and you should take advantage of it! It’s said by ComScore that by 2020, 50% of all searches will be voice searches. When speaking, people are typically more conversational, so your website’s content should match that to better enforce keywords and phrases.

Content marketing isn’t only useful to your customers, but can help out search engines, too. It’s important to have plenty of content, like blog posts, videos, and social media posts to rank your page higher in search results. How is this helpful? Well, let’s say you posted a few blogs and a video on how to use camera drones. Users googling “how to use camera drone” will want to spend more time on your site because there are a lot of tools you have provided for them to navigate through.

Stay relevant! It’s important to consistently add to your site because search engines and users love good content. If you’re in a rut for ideas for a blog post or visual content, take an old post and rewrite it to make it more up-to-date and fresh. Don’t post something just because your site’s due for an update. Take time to search for quality content that people want to read about; quality content makes for a trusted relationship between you and your users.
SEO can be a long process, but by taking the time to really up your content with keywords and videos, and staying active on your site and socials, you’re sure to bring in new and organic traffic.

Tips When Using Social Media

Social media tips.

So, you started up a social media page for your business! Maybe on Facebook, or Twitter, or Instagram. You read articles and watched videos on the importance of having a social media presence, but how can you effectively use it? Below is a master list of the top 7 tips to keep in mind when using social media to help your business succeed.

  1. Have an objective

    How do you want to use social media to help your business? What are you trying to accomplish? Determine; do you want to improve sales or improve your relationship with your customers? What kind of image do you want for your business online? Once you identify how you want to use your social pages, it will be a lot easier to create content for them.

  2. Be visual

    Photos and videos are very useful when communicating with prospects and clients. It’s a great way to show off a product or to give a face to your company. People don’t always have time to sit and read every post they see on their Facebook feed, so using a photo or video that compliments your post can catch their eye and make them want to find out more.

  3. Be authentic and transparent

    Social media is a great tool to create a relationship and open communication with your clients. Whether it’s posting a photo, video, or a blog post about your business, your audience will get to know who you are, what your business is all about, and what you can do for them. Honesty is a key component to developing trust and accreditation.

  4. Identify your target audience

    Let’s say your business makes products for hair growth for men – your primary audience probably isn’t a teenage girl. Research what main platforms your target audience uses, their means of consumption (video, articles, etc.), and what kind of language you should be using to best communicate with them.

  5. Create a calendar

    Not only does creating a calendar help to keep you organized, but it can help grow your online presence. It’s estimated that internet users spend an average of 2 hours and 22 minutes a day on social media. If prospects become familiar with your presence online, they feel more connected to your business. With consistent posting, you can also determine what content is getting more views and feedback, and you will eventually get into the groove of what kind of posts work for your company and what doesn’t.

  6. Step outside of your comfort zone

    Things are constantly changing, especially in today’s digital-dominated world. If you see a trend blossoming on social media, like video marketing for example, don’t hesitate to branch out. Research the topic to figure out where to start and how to most effectively integrate it into your business. Don’t be afraid to experiment with new strategies to improve your online presence.

  7. Be interactive

    Social media was created to be social! It’s important to consistently answer prospective customers’ questions, but it’s also important to spark up a conversation. Social platforms are a great way for you to connect with your clients, partnering businesses, or people inside your company! Let them know that they are heard and that you acknowledge them by taking time to connect with them. Social media is a great tool to promote your business, but it’s an even better tool to show your business’ appreciation!