Harnessing the Power of Video Testimonials for Your Business

An example of the power of video testimonials with the Paragon Marketing Group video team

Video testimonials have emerged as an impactful tool for businesses to connect with their audience. At Paragon Marketing Group, we understand the value and power of video testimonials, not only for attracting new clients but also for hiring top talent.

In this blog post, we’ll cover how utilizing video testimonials strategically can elevate your brand and build trust with both customers and potential employees.

How to Use Video Testimonials to Market Your Business

Discover how video testimonials can attract new clients and new talent:

Attracting Clients with Authentic Video Testimonials

Video testimonials from satisfied clients provide a genuine and relatable insight into the value your business offers. Unlike written reviews, video testimonials capture the client’s emotions, expressions, and tone, making the endorsement more credible and engaging.

A great example that demonstrates the power of video testimonials is from our client Daryl Burczyk, owner of Lilikoi Resort. Check out his video testimonial for Paragon Marketing Group below.

Are you harnessing the power of video testimonials for your business?

Takeaway: Video testimonials humanize your brand, making it easier for potential clients to trust your products or services.

Boosting Employee Recruitment with Video Testimonials

Attracting the right talent is crucial for any business’s success. Unlike client testimonials that are more likely to affect potential new customers, video testimonials from current employees can showcase your company culture, values, and the benefits of working with your team.

Job seekers researching your company can learn about current staff’s personal stories and experiences. Rather than just hoping for the best, job seekers will have a much better idea of the company culture before deciding whether to apply.

Recently, we filmed a short video testimonial to showcase the culture here at Paragon Marketing Group. Take a look:

Takeaway: Employee video testimonials can significantly enhance your recruitment efforts by providing a genuine glimpse into your workplace culture.

Capturing Testimonials with Professional Video Production

To capture compelling video testimonials, we recommend enlisting a professional video specialist. At Paragon Marketing Group, video production is a cornerstone of our services, delivering high-quality content across various platforms.

Before you pick up your smartphone to record a testimonial, consider partnering with Paragon Marketing Group. We can create videos for your website and produce effective training materials, ensuring your video testimonials are polished and impactful.

Takeaway: High-quality video production is essential for creating compelling and professional video testimonials.

Why Choose Paragon Marketing Group?

As a former video production company, Paragon Marketing Group is uniquely positioned to provide unparalleled video production services. We handle everything from filming to live streaming to post-production and ensure your videos are placed where they will be most effective. Our comprehensive approach means your video testimonials will not only look professional but will also be strategically used to achieve your marketing goals.

Here’s a Quick Recap:
  1. Video testimonials humanize your brand, making it easier for potential clients to trust your products or services.
  2. Employee video testimonials can significantly enhance your recruitment efforts by providing a genuine glimpse into your workplace culture.
  3. High-quality video production is essential for creating compelling and professional video testimonials.

Video testimonials are a powerful tool that can transform your business’s marketing and hiring efforts. By showcasing authentic client experiences and highlighting your company culture, you build trust and credibility with both potential customers and future employees.

At Paragon Marketing Group, we are committed to helping you harness the full potential of video testimonials through our expert video production and marketing services. Please visit our website at paragonmarketinggroup.com or call us at 262-443-9092 to learn more about how we can elevate your business with the power of video testimonials.

Marketing with the Customer in Mind: Strategies for Success

a salesperson who is demonstrating marketing with the customer in mind

Today, it’s easy for small business owners to fall into the trap of making marketing decisions based on their personal preferences rather than what’s best for their customers. However, effective marketing must be crafted with the customer in mind to truly resonate and drive results.

In this blog post, we’ll cover the benefits of marketing with the customer in mind and provide actionable strategies to make your marketing efforts customer-centric.

Strategies for Marketing with the Customer in Mind

Check out these six ways to start marketing with your customers top of mind:

Salesperson in salon demonstrating marketing with the customer in mind
Are you marketing with your customers in mind?

Strategy #1: Understand Your Target Audience

Before you even start to market, you should know your target audience inside and out. If you have an idea but you need more information, consider conducting market research to gather data about your target audience’s demographics, preferences, and behaviors. 

Tools like surveys, focus groups, and social media analytics can provide valuable insights. This data will help you create detailed buyer personas that represent your ideal customers.

Takeaway: Effective marketing starts with a deep understanding of your target audience.

Strategy #2: Prioritize Customer Needs Over Personal Preferences

One common mistake business owners make is basing marketing decisions on their own tastes and opinions. While it’s natural to have a vision for your brand, you need to prioritize your customers’ needs and preferences as they’re the ones who will be purchasing and using your product or service. What appeals to you may not necessarily appeal to your customers.

One of the best ways to find out if your customers are satisfied is to first, ask them! Whether you’re asking a client in person or requesting customer feedback after they’ve made a purchase, your customer is your best source of information to understand whether you need to make changes to your product or service.

The next best way to find out if your customers are satisfied is to dig into the data. More on that in our next strategy . . .

Takeaway: Use customer feedback to guide your marketing strategies rather than personal bias.

Strategy #3: Utilize Data-Driven Decision Making

Data is a powerful tool that can help you make informed marketing decisions. By analyzing customer data, you can identify trends, preferences, and behaviors that inform your marketing strategies.

For instance, using analytics to find out what social posts are most engaging, which emails are producing the most sales, which graphics are resonating the most, and which buttons are getting clicked most on your website, can help you best understand what is resonating most with your audience. Using data to drive decisions ensures your marketing efforts are grounded in evidence rather than guesswork.

Takeaway: Relying on data-driven insights leads to more strategic marketing decisions.

Strategy #4: Create Personalized Experiences

Personalization is key to making your customers feel valued and understood. Tailor your marketing messages to address the specific needs and preferences of different segments of your audience.

Personalization can be as simple as using the customer’s name in emails, responding directly to social media comments, or recommending products based on past purchases. If you’re the founder or owner of a small business, often meeting and speaking to customers face-to-face can go a long way. When customers feel that your marketing is speaking directly to them, they are more likely to engage and convert.

Takeaway: Personalized marketing creates a stronger connection with your customers and enhances engagement.

Strategy #5: Focus on Value and Solutions

Your marketing should clearly communicate the value and solutions your products or services provide. Customers are looking for solutions to their problems, so your marketing messages should highlight how your offerings can meet their needs. Instead of focusing solely on the features of your product, emphasize the benefits and outcomes that customers will experience.

Takeaway: Highlighting value and solutions in your marketing messages resonates more with customers.

Strategy #6: Test and Adapt

Marketing is not a one-size-fits-all approach. What works for one audience may not work for another. Continuously test different marketing strategies and measure their effectiveness. Be prepared to adapt and refine your approach based on what the data shows.

Even if an old website, former mailer, or a specific marketing channel produced results in the past doesn’t mean that it’s what will work best for your business today. Flexibility and willingness to change are crucial for staying relevant and being successful in your marketing efforts.

Takeaway: Continuous testing and adaptation ensure your marketing strategies remain effective and relevant.

Here’s a Quick Recap:
  1. Effective marketing starts with a deep understanding of your target audience.
  2. Use customer feedback to guide your marketing strategies rather than personal bias.
  3. Relying on data-driven insights leads to more strategic marketing decisions.
  4. Personalized marketing creates a stronger connection with your customers and enhances engagement.
  5. Highlighting value and solutions in your marketing messages resonates more with customers.
  6. Continuous testing and adaptation ensure your marketing strategies remain effective and relevant.

Marketing with the customer in mind is essential for building strong relationships and driving business success. By understanding your audience, prioritizing their needs, utilizing data-driven decisions, personalizing experiences, focusing on value, and being adaptable, you can create marketing strategies that truly resonate with your customers. 

At Paragon Marketing Group, we emphasize the importance of customer-centric marketing to help businesses achieve their goals. Remember, effective marketing is not about what you prefer but about what your customers need and want.

Please visit our website at paragonmarketinggroup.com or call us at 262-443-9092 to learn more about how we can help put your customers at the center of your marketing strategy.

The Compelling Case to Outsource Your Marketing Efforts

Man circling the word "marketing" on a mirror, demonstrating the dilemma of businesses deciding whether to outsource their marketing.

In today’s fast-paced business landscape, many companies struggle deciding whether to handle marketing in-house or outsource to a specialized agency. Outsourcing your marketing efforts to a dedicated agency offers advantages that can propel your business forward. By partnering with a team of experts, you gain access to knowledge, experience, and resources that would be challenging and costly to replicate in-house.

In this blog post, we’ll explore why outsourcing your marketing efforts can be a game-changer for your business.

How Choosing to Outsource Your Marketing Can Benefit Your Business

Discover three benefits of outsourcing your marketing to an agency:

A team of marketing professionals working on clients' work. Displaying benefits of a business that chose to outsource its marketing to an agency.
Could your business benefit from outsourcing your marketing to an agency?

Benefit #1: Access to a Multidisciplinary Team of Experts

Outsourcing your marketing allows you to tap into a pool of professionals with diverse skill sets. Rather than hiring and managing multiple in-house employees, you gain access to a well-rounded team.

At Paragon Marketing Group, our team of experts each focuses on a specific area of marketing. From video production and web design to social media marketing and graphic design and more, our team members dedicate themselves to mastering their respective disciplines.

This specialized approach allows us to assemble a well-rounded team with deep knowledge and skills in various marketing domains. By combining our diverse talents, we can seamlessly collaborate and execute marketing strategies tailored to our clients’ unique needs and goals.

Takeaway: You gain access to a multidisciplinary team of experts, ensuring your marketing efforts are effective, when you outsource your marketing.

Benefit #2: Cost Savings and Efficiency

Hiring an in-house marketing team can be a significant financial burden, especially for small and medium-sized businesses. You have to account for competitive salaries and benefits. In addition, you need to invest in the necessary tools, software, and resources required for effective marketing campaigns. Outsourcing your marketing to an agency often proves to be a more cost-effective solution. By partnering with an agency, you benefit from their established infrastructure, tools, and resources, eliminating the need for substantial upfront investments.

Moreover, the cost savings of outsourcing become even more apparent when compared to hiring a single in-house marketing professional. The salary and benefits package for a skilled marketer can easily exceed $60,000 annually, depending on experience and expertise. In contrast, agencies like Paragon Marketing Group can provide full-service marketing support at a fraction of that cost, often for less than half the price of a single in-house hire.

Agencies can efficiently allocate resources across multiple clients, leveraging economies of scale to deliver high-quality work at a more affordable rate. This means that you gain access to a team of specialists with diverse skills and expertise. You don’t have to rely on a single individual to handle all aspects of your marketing efforts.

Takeaway: Having an agency like Paragon Marketing Group offers significant cost savings compared to building an in-house team. Connecting with an agency gives you access to a full suite of marketing services and expertise at a fraction of the cost of a single in-house hire.

Benefit #3: Access to Cutting-Edge Expertise and Resources

Marketing agencies are dedicated to staying at the forefront of industry trends, best practices, and emerging technologies. By outsourcing your marketing, you gain access to this cutting-edge expertise and the latest tools and resources. This ensures your marketing strategies remain relevant, innovative, and effective in a constantly evolving digital landscape.

Beyond knowledge and expertise, agencies like Paragon Marketing Group have access to overlooked resources when businesses consider handling marketing in-house. For instance, we maintain established relationships and connections with key industry players, such as Google Ads and Meta (Facebook) representatives. These connections provide us with valuable insights, early access to new features, and dedicated support, ensuring our clients’ campaigns are optimized for maximum impact.

Additionally, we invest in state-of-the-art software, tools, and equipment. These tools enable us to create high-quality, visually stunning content that captivates audiences and effectively communicates your brand’s message. Acquiring and maintaining these resources in-house can be prohibitively expensive, particularly for smaller businesses.

Takeaway: By outsourcing your marketing to an agency, you’re connected to cutting-edge resources, from industry connections to specialized software.

Here’s a Quick Recap:
  1. You gain access to a multidisciplinary team of experts, ensuring your marketing efforts are effective, when you outsource your marketing.
  2. Having an agency like Paragon Marketing Group manage your marketing offers significant cost savings compared to building an in-house team,
  3. By outsourcing your marketing to an agency, you’re connected to cutting-edge resources, from industry connections to specialized software.

By outsourcing your marketing efforts, you gain access to a team of experts, cost savings, and cutting-edge expertise and resources. This approach allows you to focus on your core business operations while leaving your marketing in the hands of professionals dedicated to driving results.

If you’re ready to take your marketing efforts to new heights, consider outsourcing to Paragon Marketing Group. Please visit our website at paragonmarketinggroup.com or call us at 262-443-9092 to learn more about how our team of experts can deliver tailored, innovative, and results-driven marketing solutions that propel your business forward.

How To Make A Lasting First Impression For Your Brand

A small business owner shaking hands with a client after making a good first impression of his brand

In today’s competitive landscape, making a strong first impression for your brand could be the difference in someone choosing your business over a competitor’s. If you want your small business to stand out in the market, it’s essential to craft a memorable brand image that will resonate with your target audience.

In this blog post, we’ll explore some effective marketing tips to help your brand make a positive and lasting first impression.

How to Make a Lasting First Impression for Your Brand

Uncover four key insights into crafting a brand presence that leaves a lasting mark on your customers and prospects alike:

Plans for a brand to make a lasting first impression on a desk
How can your brand make a lasting first impression?

1. Establish a Professional Website

In the digital age, having a professional website builds credibility and attracts customers. Your website serves as the online face of your brand, providing visitors with valuable information about your products or services.

To ensure your website makes a positive first impression, your website should be . . . 

  • User-friendly. Visitors should find your website easy to navigate and understand. Your site should have a flow to make it seamless for users to explore with clear CTAs (calls to action) to move visitors toward making a purchase, booking a service, or contacting the business.
  • Visually appealing. There’s a science to color and design, and visitors will see right through a website that had no time and effort put into its design. Your website shouldn’t be filled with ads, difficult-to-read fonts, or eight different colors.
  • Mobile-responsive. Some of your client base might be on a computer. Others may be on a tablet or mobile device. If you want your site to attract the highest possible number of visitors, then it must be accessible across multiple devices.
  • Optimized for SEO. Optimizing your site for search engines will improve your site’s visibility and attract organic traffic.

Takeaway: Establishing a professional website that is user-friendly, visually appealing, mobile-responsive, and optimized for SEO will help make a positive first impression for your brand.

2. Maintain an Active Social Media Presence

Social media platforms offer a valuable opportunity to engage with your audience and showcase your brand’s personality. But have you ever visited a company’s Facebook or Instagram account and realized they hadn’t posted in a few months? Visitors are often left to fend for themselves or become “detectives” in finding the information for which they’re searching.

That’s why consistently posting relevant and engaging content on platforms like Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, Pinterest, Nextdoor, or other platforms can answer the questions for which visitors might be searching all while helping your brand build awareness and establish credibility in your industry.

Aside from posting consistently, here are a few ways you can actively engage with your clients on social media:

  • Respond to comments and messages promptly.
  • Stay up-to-date with current trends.
  • Note what type of content with which your visitors engage, and then share more of that content on your platforms.

Takeaway: Build positive brand awareness by maintaining an active social media presence through consistent posting and active engagement.

3. Invest in Quality Creative Assets

Compelling creative assets are essential for capturing the attention of your audience and conveying your brand message effectively. Invest in high-quality assets, including photography, videography, graphic design, and marketing materials, to convey professionalism and attention to detail.

Similarly, well-crafted copy that speaks to your brand’s values and resonates with your target audience can help you make a memorable impression and differentiate your brand from competitors. Whether you collaborate with in-house creatives or contract with a marketing agency like Paragon Marketing Group, we recommend having talented professionals create visually stunning content that reflects your brand’s personality and values.

Takeaway: Investing in high-quality creative assets can help your brand stand out and leave a lasting impression on potential customers.

4. Provide Exceptional Customer Service

Delivering exceptional customer service is key to making a positive first impression and building long-term relationships with your customers. Your branding never stops at the sales or marketing side. To maintain a positive reputation and establish your brand as one where people want to give their business (and continue giving their business), you need to provide extraordinary customer service. A few ways you can accomplish this include:

  • Responding to inquiries and concerns quickly. If there’s been an issue with a client’s service or product, one of the best ways you can manage the problem is by responding quickly so that the client understands they’re a priority. Often the way in which you defuse a tricky situation can become more memorable than the issue itself.
  • Address customer feedback and reviews thoughtfully. As a small business owner, it’s never easy to receive a critical review or negative feedback. But that doesn’t mean you can’t respond professionally, even if the review was unkind or untrue. Plus, other prospective clients will be watching and reading what you respond. How you respond will tell them whether or not your business is worth considering.
  • Go above and beyond to exceed customer expectations. There are so many ways you can accomplish this. Whether you offer a special discount, give extra attention to detail to a customer’s account, follow up on service where a client had concerns, or even offer a listening ear, you can always find a way to exceed expectations. Your customers will not forget how you made them feel.

Takeaway: By prioritizing customer satisfaction, you can create a positive reputation for your brand and earn the trust and loyalty of your audience.

Here’s a Quick Recap:
  1. Establishing a professional website that is user-friendly, visually appealing, mobile-responsive, and optimized for SEO will help make a positive first impression for your brand.
  2. Build positive brand awareness by maintaining an active social media presence through consistent posting and active engagement.
  3. Investing in high-quality creative assets can help your brand stand out and leave a lasting impression on potential customers.
  4. By prioritizing customer satisfaction, you can create a positive reputation for your brand and earn the trust and loyalty of your audience.

Crafting a strong first impression for your brand is essential for small businesses looking to succeed in today’s competitive market. By following these marketing tips and investing in your brand’s online presence, design, and customer service, you can create a memorable and impactful brand image that resonates with your target audience.

To learn more, please visit our website at paragonmarketinggroup.com or call us at 262-443-9092 to learn more. We’re here to help you elevate your brand and make a lasting impression.

Why Your Website Content Matters

A computer on a desk with a website on screen, showing the value of good website content

Your website is often the first impression potential customers have of your business. While visual design sets the stage, it’s your website content that informs, engages, and compels visitors to become customers. High-quality website content should be a top priority for small business owners looking to drive leads and sales online.

Why Does Your Website Content Matter?

Let’s review some of the biggest benefits your website and business will experience from having high quality content:

Two working professionals working on their website content
Why does your website content matter?

Provides Value for Visitors

Excellent website content should educate, engage, and add value for visitors. But before you can think of how your website content can achieve these action items, put yourself in the shoes of a website visitor and ask yourself, “Why are they viewing my website?”

Once you know that answer (you may have multiple answers), your website needs to provide solutions. Consider these ideas:

  • Offer tips and how-tos. Depending on the products or services your business offers, this can be really helpful for both current and potential clients. If you want to include more detailed, in-depth information about your products/services, consider having a blog on your website.
  • Provide an explanation of products/services. Ever hear the saying, “Can’t see the forest for the trees”? While you know your product or service inside and out, odds are that most people do not. It’s a delicate task to explain what your products/services are in a cohesive, structured way while not providing too much content or detail but also offering enough information so viewers aren’t confused.
  • Share local information. Where is your service area? Who is your target customer? Sharing helpful information about the areas you serve, how your business fits into the area, and any relevant contact information will make it simple for your ideal customer to work with and contact you.

Providing truly useful content keeps readers engaged and spending more time on your site.

Takeaway: Creating high quality website content by offering tips, providing an explanation of services, and sharing local information will provide value to website visitors.

Boosts Your SEO

Well-written, keyword-focused website content also aids search engine optimization (SEO). While the use of AI to help create content can be useful, it can’t completely replace a human writer or optimize your content for SEO.

You can write the best content, but without properly utilizing relevant keywords throughout natural-sounding copy, search engines like Google won’t be able to understand your pages’ topics. Not having your content indexed by search engines will directly impact how high you can rank in search results.

The moral of the story? Optimized content attracts more qualified organic traffic to your site.

Takeaway: High quality content optimized for search engines will help you rank higher in search results and drive more traffic to your website.

Supports Your Overall Marketing

Your website content isn’t just the hub that anchors all marketing efforts driving traffic to your site – it’s also the only digital “salesperson” operating 24/7 for your business. Just like your branding should be consistent across all graphic design, web design, and print materials, so should your web copy align with and support campaigns across social media, PPC ads, email marketing, and more.

Strong, consistent content better converts that traffic into leads across channels.

Takeaway: Your web copy is an integral part of your marketing that requires consistency across all relevant marketing channels.

Enhances the User Experience

If you’ve ever been on a website and were unable to find the information you’re looking for, clicked links that turned out to be broken, or couldn’t understand the information provided, you might have decided that business wasn’t worth working with, given your negative experience.

Users should be able to easily navigate and find information on your site. Here are a few ways you can achieve this through your website content:

  • Write descriptive headers that are clear so visitors can quickly scan and jump to the sections most relevant to them.
  • Include bulleted lists to help break up dense paragraphs and highlight key takeaways, which helps retain reader attention.
  • Use ample paragraph breaks to make the content less intimidating and easier to digest so readers are not confronted with a huge wall of text.

Add internal links to improve user experience, allowing visitors to seamlessly navigate to other related pages of interest. This keeps visitors on pages longer, and viewing more content rather than quickly clicking away.

Takeaway: Well-written and organized website copy results in a positive user experience that keeps people on your site longer and viewing more content overall.

Increases Leads and Sales

Informative, engaging website content educates consumers so they feel confident doing business with you. By consistently providing valuable information through your copy, you establish expertise and credibility. Readers see you as an authority they can rely on for solutions related to your products or services.

Here’s an example of how this might look on a buyer’s journey:

  1. First, they may land on a blog post from a search, learning about their problem. 
  2. Second, they read about tips for evaluating solutions, building desire.
  3. Finally, more content compares options and outlines your process, nurturing leads.

With each stage, viewers become more qualified due to the knowledge they’ve gained from your website content. They feel assured you understand their needs and can provide the right solution.

In this way, useful copy moves prospects through the sales funnel, turning cold traffic into engaged subscribers, qualified leads, and finally loyal customers. Your website content plays a central role in attracting and converting visitors throughout the buyer’s journey.

Takeaway: When every piece of website copy, from blog posts to service pages, focuses on addressing needs, solving problems, and clearly communicating value, website visitors can become qualified leads and loyal customers.

Here’s a Quick Recap:
  1. Provide value: Creating high quality website content by offering tips, providing an explanation of services, and sharing local information will provide value to website visitors.
  2. Boost SEO: High quality content optimized for search engines will help you rank higher in search results and drive more traffic to your website.
  3. Support marketing efforts: Your web copy is an integral part of your marketing that requires consistency across all relevant marketing channels.
  4. Enhance user experience: Well-written and organized website copy results in a positive user experience that keeps people on your site longer and viewing more content overall.
  5. Increase leads & sales: When every piece of website copy, from blog posts to service pages, focuses on addressing needs, solving problems, and clearly communicating value, website visitors can become qualified leads and loyal customers.

At Paragon Marketing Group, we understand that creating great website content requires an investment of time and resources. But the payoff in increased visibility, traffic, leads and sales makes it well worth it.

If you need help with your website content, contact our team to perform an audit of your current site and revamp the copy to deliver better results. Let us optimize your 24/7 online salesperson through high-impact website content.

To learn more, please visit our website at paragonmarketinggroup.com or call us at 262-443-9092. We’d love to hear from you.

The Power of Reviews: How to Get More for Your Small Business

a woman on her phone demonstrating the power of reviews

Positive reviews are vital for small businesses competing in the digital marketplace. With 92% of people reading online reviews before making purchasing decisions, reviews influence your discoverability, reputation, conversions, and even SEO, proving how far the power of reviews stretches. This makes cultivating an outstanding review profile essential.

Understanding the Power of Reviews for Your Small Business

To understand the power of reviews, let’s review the benefits positive reviews can provide for your business as well as some effective strategies to help you procure those reviews:

5 gold star next to a keyboard, showing the power of reviews on a small business
How many 5-star reviews do you have for your business?

Benefits of Great Reviews

Many business owners are so overwhelmed with running their businesses that garnering positive reviews on Google, Facebook, or Yelp usually isn’t top of mind, much less a priority. But positive, 5-star reviews provide many advantages that can significantly impact your success, including the following:

  • Boost credibility and trust in your business
  • Improve local search rankings and drive traffic
  • Persuade prospects to convert into customers
  • Promote repeat business and referrals
  • Counteract any negative reviews
  • Build brand authority and clout in your niche

With so much to gain, focusing on getting more online reviews should be a priority. But even if you understand the many benefits of good reviews, how do you actually get them?

Takeaway: Prioritizing the procurement of positive reviews for your small business will boost your credibility, improve your SEO, lead to referrals, and promote repeat business.

Strategies to Get More Reviews

At Paragon Marketing Group, we understand that it takes some effort to maintain a robust review profile. However, implementing these simple strategies can help generate more customer feedback on an ongoing basis.

Ask for Reviews Everywhere

The easiest way to get reviews is to directly ask satisfied customers to leave feedback. But don’t limit yourself to just one platform. Collecting reviews across multiple sites broadens your exposure. Make sure to include the following sites:

  • Google My Business – Google is the most common site potential customers will visit, making it critical for visibility. This requires your business to have an official Google My Business profile so customers can find you.
  • Facebook – While Facebook isn’t used as much as Google for reviews, getting reviews on Facebook helps with social proof, especially as Facebook still reigns as the most popular social media platform in the world.
  • Yelp or Houzz – Depending on the industry your small business is in, you may want to consider an industry-specific site like Yelp or Houzz where people leave reviews as these specific sites build authority within their particular niches.
Make Review Requests a Routine

A key strategy to get positive reviews for your small business is to incorporate review requests into your regular customer interactions. Some best practices to implement into your schedule include the following:

  • Ask for reviews once a purchase has been made.
  • Add a link directly to your Google My Business or Facebook page in email signatures.
  • Print a QR code on receipts, invoices, or custom cards to hand out to customers.
  • When you or sales staff are face-to-face with clients, request verbally at the point of service.
  • Promote positive, 5-star reviews on your social media platforms and website.
Offer an Incentive

Encouraging reviews through a reward or giveaway helps motivate customers. Offer a discount, free product sample, or entry into a prize drawing in exchange for leaving a review. Just ensure incentives are not conditional upon getting a 5-star rating.

Respond and Interact . . . No Matter the Review

Being engaged with your reviews shows customers you listen and care. Always respond promptly and politely to feedback – positive and negative. This fosters goodwill and shows your brand values customer perspectives.

From a customer perspective, negative reviews for a business may hold significant weight. But so does the way in which the business responds to those reviews. Consider this advice from Skip on how to address negative reviews.

Takeaway: Actively asking for reviews and incorporating the process into your routine will enable you to garner those positive reviews you need.

Here’s a Quick Recap:
  1. Prioritizing the procurement of positive reviews for your small business will boost your credibility, improve your SEO, lead to referrals, and promote repeat business.
  2. Actively asking for reviews and incorporating the process into your routine will enable you to garner those positive reviews you need.

With a rigorous review generation strategy, you can build the social proof and reputation that propels business growth.

At Paragon Marketing Group, we’d be remiss if we failed to take our own advice. So we’re going to implement our first recommended strategy to obtain a few reviews. If you’re a client satisfied with the level of surface we’ve provided, will you leave us a 5-star review on Google?

If you need help managing your online presence or more strategies for procuring positive reviews, please contact us. Visit our website at paragonmarketinggroup.com or call us at 262-443-9092. We’d love to hear from you.

7 Reasons Your Marketing Isn’t Working

a businesswoman frustrated because she doesn't know why her marketing isn't working

In the fast-paced world of business, effective marketing is the linchpin that can either propel your brand to new heights or leave it languishing in obscurity. If you find yourself scratching your head, wondering why your marketing isn’t working the way you thought it would, or your efforts aren’t yielding the desired results you hoped for, you’re not alone.

At Paragon Marketing Group, we understand the intricacies of successful marketing. Let’s delve into some common reasons your marketing isn’t working and explore how you can unlock marketing success.

Cracking the Code: Understanding Why Your Marketing Isn’t Working

Here are seven reasons your marketing isn’t working (and what you can do to change that):

Do you know why your marketing isn’t working?

1. Not Defining Your Target Audience

One of the most common reasons your marketing might not be working is if you haven’t clearly defined your target audience. Marketing is most effective when tailored to a specific demographic. You can have an amazing, even life-saving, product or service, but if the audience who will most likely convert into customers isn’t receiving your message, then it can’t be effective.

Here are a few tips to define your target audience:

1. Compile Your Audience’s Demographic Information

  • How old is your audience?
  • Which gender is most likely to make the purchasing decision?
  • What place of life will your target audience primarily reside?
  • Is your audience married or single?
  • Where does your target audience live?

2. Get to Know Your Audience’s Lifestyle and Habits

  • Does your audience like to spend time at home, or go out?
  • What type of background will your target audience have?
  • What interests will your audience most likely indulge in?
  • What things are important to your target audience?
  • Does your audience shop more online or in-person?

3. Understand How Your Product or Service Solves Your Target Audience’s Problem

Without a problem, there’s no need for a solution. Once you know which problem(s) your product or service solves, go deeper to understand how your product or service can specifically solve your target audience’s problem(s).

Takeaway: When you know exactly who your target audience is, you can more effectively market to them.

2. Lacking Consistent Branding

Inconsistency in your branding efforts can dilute your message and leave customers confused. Ultimately, you want to employ a cohesive branding strategy that create a strong, recognizable identity across all channels, fostering trust and loyalty.

So how does inconsistent branding happen in the first place? Here are a few common suspects:

  • Lack of Team Communication: The larger your team becomes, the more opinions you have, and the more challenging it can become to ensure there’s clear communication among all team members. When everyone isn’t on the same page, guess what? Your branding won’t be either. At Paragon Marketing Group, we recommend having clear brand guidelines that can be shared among your entire staff.
  • Conflicting Online Listings: Have you ever visited a company’s Facebook page, and then their Google My Business page, and then their website, only to discover three different phone numbers or addresses? This confusion can lead to customers abandoning your site and giving their business to another company that has invested the time and effort into ensuring all their listings match and are up-to-date.
  • All Talk, No Action: Companies can pledge customer loyalty all day long, but if their marketing makes promises their business can’t keep (or offer services they can’t fulfill), people won’t just take notice: they’ll leave negative reviews and tell their friends.

Takeaway: Brand consistency needs to carry through every aspect of your business, from using the same color scheme and fonts, all the way down to how you treat your customers.

3. Neglecting a Digital Presence

In today’s digital age, a robust online presence is non-negotiable. If your marketing strategy lacks a compelling digital component, you’re missing out on a vast audience. While networking and word-of-mouth play pivotal roles in your marketing strategy, neither of those channels are replacements for a company website, digital ads, emails, or social media pages.

Not to toot our own horn (okay, maybe we mean to just a little), at Paragon Marketing Group, we leverage cutting-edge digital marketing techniques to enhance your online visibility and engagement through different digital avenues, including the following:

Takeaway: A complete marketing strategy will include both traditional and digital marketing channels.

4. Ignoring Data and Analytics

Marketing without a data-driven approach is akin to navigating a ship without a compass. If you’ve read our blog before, you’ll know this isn’t the first time we’ve covered this topic.

Similar to not defining your target audience, when you avoid or ignore data and analytics, you can’t know whether or not your marketing is working. Without context, your sales are just sales, neither improving nor declining. And even if you can determine an ascent (or descent) without tracking data, you’re still missing the biggest piece of all: the WHY.

At Paragon Marketing Group, we utilize advanced analytics to track and analyze campaign performance, which provide invaluable insights for strategic adjustments and continual improvement. Whether you hire a marketing agency to do this for you, or you utilize programs yourself, we can’t emphasize enough how important tracking and analyzing your data is to the success of your marketing.

Takeaway: Tracking and analyzing your data will provide invaluable insights into your business.

5. Not Updating Your Content

Oftentimes, it’s easy to think that once your website (or social media page or listing) has been completed, you’re good to go . . . forever. Unfortunately, not updating your content can lead to more problems than you might think, such as:

  • Customers might drive to the wrong business or call the wrong number from outdated listings.
  • Website visitors may consider a competitor instead if they find your site boring or outdated.
  • Potential clients might not understand what type of business you have if your logo doesn’t well represent your business.
  • Social media visitors might think your business isn’t active or open if you’re not posting regularly to your social media pages.

Takeaway: Your content doesn’t just matter five years ago — it matters today. Keeping your content updated will demonstrate that your business is open, active, and ready to serve your customers.

6. Posting to Social Media with No Strategy

Have you ever posted to Facebook or Instagram, but wondered why you weren’t getting any traction or engagement? Social media is a powerful tool, but a lack of strategy can lead to ineffective efforts. Here are a few strategic steps you can take to boost engagement on your social channels:

  • Research days and times when people are most active. This will help you grab people’s attention when they’re most likely to be online.
  • Post content that is going to help solve a problem. The more value people can find in your content, the more likely you are to get their attention — and keep it.
  • Incorporate video and images into your posts. People are far more likely to engage with an interesting video or inviting photo than just straight text.
  • Include a CTA (call to action) in every post copy. Whether you’re encouraging people to laugh, inviting them to think, asking for their opinion, polling them, or directing them to click a link, it’s important to have a clear and direct message in every post.
  • Be patient. This one is the hardest because we often associate social media as something that can give immediate, instant results. But that couldn’t be farther from the truth.
  • Consult the experts. If you’re a business owner, odds are you aren’t an expert in every aspect of business, and that’s okay. Outsource the social media to a marketing agency, like Paragon Marketing Group.

Takeaway: Like in all aspects of marketing, you need to apply strategy to your social media posts to get results.

7. Failing to Adapt to an Ever-Changing Marketing Landscape

Perhaps one of the most exciting and frustrating aspects of marketing is that the landscape is dynamic. What worked yesterday might not work tomorrow. Now this isn’t a call to fix marketing methods that aren’t broken. If what you’re doing is currently working, you might not want to change everything about it.

But more than likely, there’s probably something about your business that needs to be updated, from outdated processes to poorly-functioning equipment to possibly even your marketing strategies. If there’s one thing we can leave with you, it’s that we encourage you to not let fear of something new, something different, or something unknown, keep you from moving your business forward and into the future. At Paragon Marketing Group, we work to stay ahead of industry trends, ensuring your marketing strategy remains agile and adaptive to changing market dynamics.

Your job is to run your business. And if you hire us, our job is to run your marketing.

Takeaway: Don’t let the fear of the unknown or different keep you from moving your business forward.

Here’s a Quick Recap:
  1. When you know exactly who your target audience is, you can more effectively market to them.
  2. Brand consistency needs to carry through every aspect of your business.
  3. A complete marketing strategy will include both traditional and digital marketing channels.
  4. Tracking and analyzing your data will provide invaluable insights into your business.
  5. Keeping your content updated will demonstrate that your business is open, active, and ready to serve your customers.
  6. You need to apply strategy to your social media posts to get results.
  7. Don’t let the fear of the unknown or different keep you from moving your business forward.

If you resonate with any of these challenges, it might be time to reevaluate your marketing strategy. Paragon Marketing Group is your partner in overcoming these hurdles and helping your marketing work.

If you’re trying to find out why your marketing isn’t working, please contact us. Visit our website at paragonmarketinggroup.com or call us at 262-443-9092. We’d love to hear from you.

10 Small Business Marketing Resolutions for 2024

setting small business marketing resolutions for 2024

As the new year approaches, the opportune moment has arrived for small businesses to chart a course for success with actionable marketing resolutions.

In this blog post, we’ll unveil key strategies that can make a substantial impact on your brand’s visibility and success in 2024. Brace yourself for an exciting exploration of innovative approaches, ensuring your business not only keeps pace but triumphs in the ever-evolving marketing landscape.

Marketing Resolutions for the New Year

Here are ten small business marketing resolutions you can employ in 2024:

1. Establish an SEO-Friendly Website

In the vast landscape of digital marketing, your website is your digital storefront. But what good is a store if no one knows where it’s located? That’s where search engine optimization (SEO) comes into play.

Ensuring your website is optimized for search engines is the key to getting visitors. And more visitors equates to increased leads, expanded customer reach, and ultimately, a surge in purchases. To get more visitors, your website needs to be optimized for relevant keywords, improved page load speed, and a design for mobile users.

Takeaway: When executed effectively, SEO acts as a strategic ally, channeling a steady stream of visitors to your site through search engines.

2. Embrace the Power of Blogging

Beyond writing a few paragraphs on occasion, regularly publishing informative and engaging blog posts can become a cornerstone of your digital strategy. It’s a dynamic process that will establish your expertise and act as a catalyst for enhancing your website’s SEO.

When you deliver valuable content that resonates with your readers, you position yourself as an industry authority and create a virtual space that encourages visitors to return for more.

Takeaway: Consistent blogging can capture the attention and loyalty of your audience.

3. Leverage the Influence of Social Media

Leveraging the influence of social media is a resolution with immense potential. Brand awareness, a key ingredient in your marketing plan, can be achieved using platforms such as Facebook, Instagram, and LinkedIn. The interactive and personalized feel of social media not only informs your customers, but also transforms your business into a source of regular news and relevant updates.

In addition to sharing information, social media forges a direct line of communication with your customers (and potential customers), fostering a loyal online community. Through positive interactions, this digital camaraderie conveys a business deeply invested in its customers. Moreover, social media acts as a gateway, channeling prospective customers to your website and generating new leads through carefully crafted ads.

Takeaway: Whether through engaging posts or targeted paid ads, social media can be the catalyst for steering your business towards growth and success.

4. Introduce a Referral Program

Word-of-mouth remains a formidable force in the realm of small business marketing. One great way to implement word-of-mouth is by creating a referral program to tap into the influence of your satisfied customer base. By encouraging existing customers to refer others, you’re not just fostering brand advocacy but transforming your clientele into enthusiastic promoters.

To make this strategy even more compelling, offer enticing incentives in your referral program. Rewards will encourage your customers to become active participants in expanding your brand reach.

Takeaway: Allowing your customers to be vocal champions of your business can propel your brand into new realms of recognition.

5. Invest in Analytic Tools

Understanding your audience and their behavior is essential, and by investing in analytic tools (such as Google Analytics), you can gain insight and make informed decisions that go beyond guesswork.

The ever-shifting landscape of small business marketing demands a keen eye on analytics, ensuring your business decisions are strategically aligned with your audience’s preferences. By embracing analytics as a core element of your marketing arsenal, you’re not just deciphering numbers; you’re deciphering invaluable insights into your customer base.

As we venture into the new year, we encourage you to make a strategic resolution to invest in cutting-edge analytics tools.

Takeaway: Analytic tools will help you better understand website traffic, user interactions, and the overall performance of your marketing campaigns.

6. Garner Customer Reviews

Trust is the currency of commerce, and positive reviews are your most valuable assets. By proactively seeking reviews, you’ll amplify your brand’s online presence and build trust and credibility among potential customers. Every positive review becomes a testament to the quality of your products or services, acting as a persuasive force that influences purchasing decisions.

Equally important is your responsiveness to reviews, regardless of their sentiment. Engage with your audience by promptly responding to both positive and negative feedback. Demonstrating your commitment to customer satisfaction showcases your brand’s integrity and provides an opportunity to address concerns openly.

So, in 2024, let your customers be the voice of your success. Encourage them to share their stories on platforms like Google, Facebook, or industry-specific websites.

Takeaway: Cumulating customer reviews can build trust with potential clients and set your business apart in the competitive digital landscape.

7. Utilize Video Marketing

Video marketing isn’t just a trend; it’s a transformative tool that can propel your business to new heights.

Whether you’re looking to livestream an event, create engaging website videos, record compelling podcast content, launch video ad campaigns on your social channels, conduct insightful interviews, develop training materials, or simply enhance brand awareness, harnessing the power of video isn’t just an option anymore — it’s a strategic imperative.

Embrace the video revolution, and consider partnering with Paragon Marketing Group to create engaging videos that tell your brand story, showcase products or services, and connect with your audience on a more personal level.

Takeaway: Video marketing can tell your brand’s story, help sell your products or services, and elevate your business visibility.

8. Employ Professional Graphic Design

Visuals play a crucial role in brand perception, which is why your graphic design should be a cohesive, professional representation aligned with your brand identity. So while anyone can attempt graphic design, not everyone possesses the time, knowledge, or skill to craft effective, eye-catching materials.

From making that critical first impression with prospective clients to establishing a consistent brand identity and outshining competitors in effective communication, professional graphic design services are your pathway to visual excellence.

Whether you require brochures, a website facelift, attention-grabbing online ads, a new logo, or any graphic design expertise, your brand’s narrative matters.

Takeaway: With professional graphic design, your designs can resonate and leave a lasting impact in 2024 and beyond.

9. Revisit Direct Mail Marketing

In the digital age, traditional direct mail marketing remains an effective strategy for businesses to connect with potential customers. To leverage this channel, you need to craft targeted, visually appealing mailers to reach specific demographics or geographical areas.

Direct mail isn’t just about sending something in the mail; it’s about outshining competitors. Benefit from targeted customer lists, first-class postage, and customized pieces that make your brand stand out in the mailbox.

If you want to learn more about accessing customer lists, targeting ads, or customizing mailers, contact Paragon Marketing Group today.

Takeaway: Direct mail marketing can target your desired audience demographics in your desired geographical areas.

10. Incorporate Online Advertising

Online advertising, specifically through pay per click (PPC), can revolutionize your digital marketing approach. With PPC, advertisers pay search engines each time their ad is clicked. This method, including search engine advertising like Google Ads, allows you to secure visits to your site without solely relying on organic traffic.

Developing a targeted advertising strategy within your online ads can give your business a competitive edge by placing your content at the top of search engine results and help you reach potential customers actively searching for products or services like yours.

Takeaway: Incorporating online advertising into your marketing plan can help your business and keywords appear at the top of search engine results.

Here’s a Quick Recap:
  1. Ensure your website is optimized for SEO to attract more website visitors.
  2. Post consistent, engaging content to your blog to position your business as an industry authority.
  3. Share content on your social media platforms regularly to foster your online community and engage directly with your followers.
  4. Introduce a referral program to enable your customers to vocally champion your business.
  5. Invest in analytic tools to gain audience insights and make informed decisions.
  6. Garner customer reviews to build trust and credibility with potential customers.
  7. Utilize video marketing to tell your brand’s story and showcase your products and services.
  8. Employ professional graphic design to establish a cohesive, professional representation aligned with your brand identity.
  9. Consider direct mail marketing to reach specific demographics or geographical areas.
  10. Incorporate online advertising to reach potential customers searching for your business’s products or services.

As we step into 2024, these marketing resolutions can serve as a roadmap for small businesses. By implementing these strategies, your brand can build a strong online presence, connect with your audience, and achieve sustainable growth.

Whichever resolutions you strive to achieve in 2024, Paragon Marketing Group wishes you a successful and prosperous year ahead!

If you need help incorporating these marketing resolutions in 2024, feel free to contact us. Visit our website at paragonmarketinggroup.com or call us at 262-443-9092. We’d love to hear from you.

Marketing Strategies for Start-Ups

marketing strategies for startups

If you just started your business, congratulations! That’s a huge accomplishment. As you probably know, there are many strategies that business owners can use for running, managing, and marketing their start-ups. But we have to warn you: the road ahead isn’t an easy one. And unfortunately, the odds are not in your favor:

Almost 25% of all business start-ups fail within the first year.

That percentage doubles to 50% within the first five years of business.

So how can your start-up be part of the other half of businesses, the ones who succeed, who persevere, and who stay in business?

The good news? You’re at the beginning. You have the luxury of time on your side. Right now, you can choose to avoid the mistakes many small business owners make when they’re first starting out.

At Paragon Marketing Group, we want to equip you with some helpful marketing strategies designed for start-ups.

3 Marketing Strategies for Start-Ups

Here are three marketing strategies to employ for your start-up:

A happy business owner using marketing strategies for startups
Are you using any of these marketing strategies for start-ups?

Start-up Marketing Strategy #1: Don’t Try to Do It All Yourself

The entire purpose of marketing is to get people interested in your products or services. And while the idea of doing marketing on your own seems simple in theory, it’s often not.

There are two big reasons we advise small business owners – especially start-up owners – to not try to go it alone:

1. You Need Expansive Marketing Knowledge

Marketing is no longer something that requires a few print advertisements. Digital marketing has unlocked massive opportunities, and all of those opportunities come with a set of rules. Consider the following questions:

  1. Are you certified in Google Ads?
  2. Do you understand all the nuances of every social media platform?
  3. Can you apply an effective SEO strategy to your website content?
  4. Are you a content writer?
  5. Do you know how to professionally design graphics and logos for your business?

Even at Paragon Marketing Group, not one of us is an expert at every aspect of marketing. We all have our different levels of expertise that we bring to the table to best help our clients.

2. You Need Adequate Time to Dedicate to Marketing

A successful business needs a marketing plan, but that’s usually something business owners don’t have time to do:

Especially when you’re first starting out, your focus is everywhere. And no matter how many hours you’re clocking per week, time moves on. Basically, every moment you spend on sales, finance, or technology is a moment lost on marketing.

Takeaway: You’re only one person. Today, life moves so quickly that business owners try to do everything faster, more efficiently, and more productively, and it’s taking a toll. Don’t let your health, family, or life pass you by while you’re trying to do the work of many people.

Start-up Marketing Strategy #2: Don’t Shortcut Your Marketing

If you’re not trying to do all your marketing yourself, we often see small business owners trying to shortcut their marketing.

Common Examples of Marketing Shortcuts
  • Not proofreading content – customers are far less likely to trust a business that has a website or social posts riddled with spelling and grammatical errors,
  • Linking a website or blog post to an untrustworthy site – if you’re linking to outdated information, a broken website, or a site with a negative association, you’ll lose trust with potential customers who click on it.
  • Keyword stuffing ads or website – everyone wants their website and ads to be easily found online, but search engines have gotten smarter. Did you use your focus keyword 30 times on a 300-word webpage? Google and other search engines will not only take notice, but they’ll penalize your site for keyword stuffing.
  • Sending emails to people who didn’t give you permission to email them – no one likes to be bombarded with sales emails from a business where they didn’t even subscribe to emails. This is a quickfire way to encourage potential clients to unsubscribe, turning them off to future sales.
  • Expecting to see instant results when effective digital marketing takes time – just like with all good things in life, marketing takes time. And expecting instant results won’t get you any closer to your marketing goals than eating healthily for one day will help you reach your target weight.
  • Not applying any kind of SEO strategy to advertisements or websites – clients are far less likely to find your business online if you don’t use SEO (search engine optimization). Today, your website will be lost in the millions of sites online unless you employ SEO.
  • Not having consistent listings across the internet – whether your business goes by multiple names or has changed locations, it’s essential that your listings are consistent if you don’t want to confuse clients with faulty information.
  • Relying solely on AI/volunteers/technology to do things that require more attention – while improvements in AI and technology are fantastic tools to utilize in your marketing, they shouldn’t fully replace your marketing. There’s no replacement for attention to detail. Plus, an over-reliance on technology is more likely to hurt than help your marketing.

Takeaway: While taking shortcuts can often benefit your business in the short-term, the overall, long-term effects can be detrimental to your business. Therefore, we recommend doing things the right way the first time.

Start-up Marketing Strategy #3: Don’t Overspend on Marketing

At Paragon Marketing Group, we can’t stress enough how important it is to not overspend on marketing.

Here are a few ways you might be overspending on your marketing:

1. You don’t have a marketing budget/aren’t tracking your marketing spend.

Something we see with many clients is that either they don’t have any business funds dedicated to marketing, or they aren’t tracking their marketing dollars.

When you’re spending $50/month per Meta ad, it doesn’t seem all that bad. But when you don’t take into account your website costs, digital ad costs, all of the annual or monthly marketing programs and software costs, the price can start to add up . . . and you may not even realize it. 

This information is crucial to keep track of. When you aren’t defining your costs and keeping them organized, you’re not going to struggle just at tax season . . . you’re also probably spending way more money than you’re aware of.

2. You got caught in a marketing scam.

This one hurts the most, because frankly, it’s happened to all of us at some point. 

You don’t know all the ins and outs of marketing, so you bought a software program that you haven’t taken the time to learn, or you enlist the help of someone who claims to be an expert, but they’re really just taking advantage of the fact that you aren’t an SEO or social media marketing expert.

You need someone who’s going to have your back, and who is going to advise you when you aren’t sure whether or not you should take your marketing in a certain direction or use a certain marketing tactic.

3. You’re paying a salary to one person in-house to do the job of many people.

Once you realize how much work goes into marketing, you understand how crucial it is to make every dollar count.

And while one in-house marketer can be effective, no one person can be an expert in every aspect of marketing. Plus, the dollars you’re spending to pay that one person could be used to pay several people.

Imagine the value you could gain from taking that one salary and using it to outsource to an agency with a team of experts, like Paragon Marketing Group.

Takeaway: Marketing expenses can add up quickly. Make sure you have a dedicated marketing budget, keep track of your marketing dollars, and don’t overpay an individual to do the job of many.

Here’s a Quick Recap:
  1. You don’t have to do your marketing alone.
  2. You don’t have to take marketing shortcuts to be successful.
  3. You don’t have to overspend on your marketing to get great results.

When you’ve just started your business, your head is spinning. You’re just trying to make it to the next day. And as a small business, we understand how challenging it can be.

At Paragon Marketing Group, our desire is to equip you with information to help your business succeed.

If you need help employing these marketing strategies for start-ups, feel free to contact us. Visit our website at paragonmarketinggroup.com or call us at 262-443-9092. We’d love to hear from you.

Want to learn more about this topic? Check out our podcast, the Main Street Marketing Podcast, on Spotify, Apple Podcasts, or your audio platform of choice.

Social Media Secrets for Small Businesses

uncovering social media secrets

While it seems like everyone is a social media guru today, the industry is oversaturated with advice and different methodology about how, where, and when to post. But what about marketing your small business on social media? It’s difficult to know where to start or which methods to apply. So today, we’re going to uncover some social media secrets that often aren’t talked about, and then share how you can start applying them to your business marketing today.

4 Social Media Secrets for Small Businesses

Here are four major social media secrets we’d like to share:

Paragon employees pointing to social media platforms on the wall
Did you know any of these social media secrets?

Social Media Secret #1: Having a Social Media Account Isn’t a Strategy

Often when social media comes up in a conversation, we hear a lot of comments like this: “I have a Facebook profile, so I can do that, too!” Or, “my nephew is on TikTok.” Or, “Anyone can do that!” And it’s true – anyone is capable of occasionally posting to social media. But what most people don’t realize is that there’s actual strategy behind social media marketing. Some of the strategies we employ early on in the process include:

  • Defining and setting goals
  • Researching a target audience
  • Establishing a consistent posting schedule
  • Curating posts, from developing the copy to designing the graphics
  • Utilizing paid advertising
  • Researching best days/times to post
  • Creating a variety of post types
  • Determining aspect ratio for video posts
  • Researching hashtags where appropriate

Takeaway: Just because you have a Facebook or Instagram account for yourself or your business doesn’t mean you’re going to get results. You have to apply strategy if you want to be successful in the long-term.

Social Media Secret #2: Successful Social Media Strategy Isn’t Glamorous

While Emily in Paris would rather you believe differently, successful social media strategy isn’t glamorous. If you want to be successful with your social accounts, you have to work hard. There’s so much thought and work that goes into each post, from the type of post, to when it’s posted, to the size of the video, to the hashtags used, to even the number of hashtags used.

Want to have an effective social media strategy? Employ these three Cs:

  • Clear – make sure your message is communicated clearly and cohesively. Your followers should know exactly what to do whenever they see a post. What is your CTA (call to action)? What is the goal behind the post? While it may require a lot of strategy behind the scenes, it should be very clear and simple to those who see the post.
  • Consistency – your social media accounts should have consistency so customers know exactly what to expect when they’re on your pages: consistent messaging, consistent posting, and consistent branding. If you don’t regularly post, this needs to change. Customers won’t come to rely on or trust your business if you lack consistency.
  • Commitment – social media strategy isn’t for the faint of heart. Commit to which platforms you’ll be posting on, and don’t stop when you get busy or it gets difficult. Giving up is the worst thing you can do! And if you don’t have the time, hire an in-house marketer or outsource to an agency like Paragon who is ready to help.

Takeaway: Successful social media strategy isn’t glamorous. It requires clear communication, consistency, and commitment in the long-term. And remember, even if you start employing the three Cs, you won’t get instant results. Good things come in time.

Social Media Secret #3: The World of Social Media Is Always Changing

Is this really a social media secret though? While the fact that technology and social media is always changing isn’t a secret, the impact of that change on strategy is surprising to many people.

That old adage, “I’m going to do this the way I’ve always done it” won’t cut it in social media strategy. What’s true today may be false tomorrow.

So many changes to Meta Business Suite have rolled out even within the past year. Every platform has its own “algorithm” that’s constantly changing. One platform comes out with a very successful strategy to gain followers, and then others often follow.

Here are a few changes that have happened over the last couple years (that are certain to become outdated once this text is published, just to emphasize this point):

  • Twitter rebranded to X – the year 2023 brought a new Twitter CEO and a new name for the platform. While it still seems to be “in a complicated relationship” with its branding, how will the language of the platform evolve (are tweets now Xs)?
  • Instagram posts can now be scheduled through Meta Business Suite – as recent as early 2022, this was not an option. Social media strategists and content creators were celebrating everywhere when this became a reality.
  • Nextdoor doesn’t allow post scheduling . . . yet – we’re still posting Nextdoor posts live, but how long will this be the reality before they permit scheduling?
  • Stories, Reels, & TikTok have changed how we record video – say goodbye to 16×9 video aspect ratio. When it comes to mobile, vertical is now king.

Takeaway: Social media is always changing. You have to be willing to change up your strategy at a moment’s notice. You need to be aware of the latest trends.

Social Media Secret #4: You Can’t Half-Ass Social Media Marketing

Is there really anything in life we should be half-assing? Probably not. But the reason this is such a big secret is because SO MANY PEOPLE DO THIS.

We’ve heard many business owners claim they can just do it in their “free time,” but what business owner do you know with “free time”? Even if they did, they don’t have the time to do it right and apply actual strategy.

Here are a few recommendations we’d make to business owners starting out with social media and trying to figure out which platforms to use:

  • Find your audience – do you sell primarily to men in their 60s? Or are 30-something aged women your target market? Maybe you sell only to homeowners? Once you know who your audience is, then research which platforms they spend time on.
  • Consider your availability – after you know on which social platforms your audience spends time, figure out how much time you can set aside to apply the three Cs – clear communication, consistent posting, and commitment to posting. Is that an hour a day? Great! Is that 15 minutes a day? That might work. If you have a realistic viewpoint of how much time you can truly spend on your social posting, then you know what approach to take.
  • Start slow – no business needs to start off posting daily to 7 or 8 different social platforms. So if you know where your audience is, you know how much time you can dedicate to your social media marketing. We typically recommend choosing 1 or 2 platforms to start getting your content out there.

Takeaway: It’s better to “whole-ass” a couple platforms than to half-ass several. And if you can’t manage that, consider finding a marketing agency like Paragon who can help.

Here’s a Quick Recap:
  1. Having a social media account isn’t enough. You have to apply strategy to be successful.
  2. Successful social media strategy isn’t glamorous. It requires clear communication, consistency, and commitment.
  3. Social media is always changing. You have to be willing to change up your strategy at a moment’s notice.
  4. It’s better to “whole-ass” a couple platforms than to half-ass several.

We hope that uncovering these social media secrets for small businesses was helpful to you!

At Paragon, we understand that it can take a lot of time, work, and research to successfully market your business on social media. As always, we want to be a resource for you. So as you have questions, we’ll be here to answer them.

Want to learn more about this topic? Check out our podcast, the Main Street Marketing Podcast, on Spotify, Apple Podcasts, or your audio platform of choice.