Harnessing the Power of Video Testimonials for Your Business

An example of the power of video testimonials with the Paragon Marketing Group video team

Video testimonials have emerged as an impactful tool for businesses to connect with their audience. At Paragon Marketing Group, we understand the value and power of video testimonials, not only for attracting new clients but also for hiring top talent.

In this blog post, we’ll cover how utilizing video testimonials strategically can elevate your brand and build trust with both customers and potential employees.

How to Use Video Testimonials to Market Your Business

Discover how video testimonials can attract new clients and new talent:

Attracting Clients with Authentic Video Testimonials

Video testimonials from satisfied clients provide a genuine and relatable insight into the value your business offers. Unlike written reviews, video testimonials capture the client’s emotions, expressions, and tone, making the endorsement more credible and engaging.

A great example that demonstrates the power of video testimonials is from our client Daryl Burczyk, owner of Lilikoi Resort. Check out his video testimonial for Paragon Marketing Group below.

Are you harnessing the power of video testimonials for your business?

Takeaway: Video testimonials humanize your brand, making it easier for potential clients to trust your products or services.

Boosting Employee Recruitment with Video Testimonials

Attracting the right talent is crucial for any business’s success. Unlike client testimonials that are more likely to affect potential new customers, video testimonials from current employees can showcase your company culture, values, and the benefits of working with your team.

Job seekers researching your company can learn about current staff’s personal stories and experiences. Rather than just hoping for the best, job seekers will have a much better idea of the company culture before deciding whether to apply.

Recently, we filmed a short video testimonial to showcase the culture here at Paragon Marketing Group. Take a look:

Takeaway: Employee video testimonials can significantly enhance your recruitment efforts by providing a genuine glimpse into your workplace culture.

Capturing Testimonials with Professional Video Production

To capture compelling video testimonials, we recommend enlisting a professional video specialist. At Paragon Marketing Group, video production is a cornerstone of our services, delivering high-quality content across various platforms.

Before you pick up your smartphone to record a testimonial, consider partnering with Paragon Marketing Group. We can create videos for your website and produce effective training materials, ensuring your video testimonials are polished and impactful.

Takeaway: High-quality video production is essential for creating compelling and professional video testimonials.

Why Choose Paragon Marketing Group?

As a former video production company, Paragon Marketing Group is uniquely positioned to provide unparalleled video production services. We handle everything from filming to live streaming to post-production and ensure your videos are placed where they will be most effective. Our comprehensive approach means your video testimonials will not only look professional but will also be strategically used to achieve your marketing goals.

Here’s a Quick Recap:
  1. Video testimonials humanize your brand, making it easier for potential clients to trust your products or services.
  2. Employee video testimonials can significantly enhance your recruitment efforts by providing a genuine glimpse into your workplace culture.
  3. High-quality video production is essential for creating compelling and professional video testimonials.

Video testimonials are a powerful tool that can transform your business’s marketing and hiring efforts. By showcasing authentic client experiences and highlighting your company culture, you build trust and credibility with both potential customers and future employees.

At Paragon Marketing Group, we are committed to helping you harness the full potential of video testimonials through our expert video production and marketing services. Please visit our website at paragonmarketinggroup.com or call us at 262-443-9092 to learn more about how we can elevate your business with the power of video testimonials.

3 Reasons You Should Update Your Video Marketing

Two men shooting a video marketing ad

When it comes to video marketing, it can be overwhelming to know where to start. There are so many places consumers view video today – billboards, social media, websites, TV, search engines, apps. Plus, people are no longer watching video just on their TVs or computers. Now it’s convenient to watch on smartphones, tablets, and even e-readers. Which is all the more reason it’s important to update your video marketing for your business.

Why Should You Update Your Video Marketing?

Here are three reasons you should update your video marketing now:

1. Your Aesthetics & Content Need A Refresh

Retro TV, VCR, and soda cans displaying old video marketing
Retro TV, VCR, and soda cans

Now if your video marketing hasn’t changed since the 1990s, you don’t need us to tell you they desperately need an update. But it’s not the 2000s or even 2010s anymore either, The Internet is constantly changing, and so should your online presence, video included. Are the people, the styles, the objects, or the technology in your videos outdated? A good way to find out is to put yourself in the following fictional scenario: If you were to approach a potential customer in person wearing the same style, showing the same objects, and using the same technology in your videos, would that customer be more focused on your appearance or your message?

Perhaps it’s not the tangible items that need to change in your video marketing. Is data or information in your video current? Today’s consumers are highly intelligent. With new information readily available online, having updated, accurate information in your video marketing is vital if you want customers to take your business seriously.

Source: NG Production Films

2. Your Customer Base Has Expanded

It’s certainly good news when your customer base is expanding. But with growth comes change. Remember when we mentioned there are so many ways for people to consume video today? That means your video marketing net should widen to capture more demographics and types of people. While every business has its target demographic, limiting your video marketing to attract a narrow set of people increases your potential to lose sales and customers.

A large part of online video consumption comes from newer social media platforms. TikTok didn’t exist until 2016. Stories and Reels are newer options to share video on Facebook and Instagram. And let’s not forget about LinkedIn. As of 2019, LinkedIn is the most trusted social platform for credible content. Yet only about 1% of users shared posts then! Consider that a huge opportunity to establish your business as a trusted authority in your industry using video content.

3. Your Videos Are Getting Lost in the Shuffle

Have you heard of the term “ad fatigue”? Elevato describes it as “a phenomenon that occurs when an audience becomes desensitized to an ad set causing ad efficiency to decrease.” In simpler terms, people are tired of seeing ads. This reinforces our earlier point: video is everywhere. But as a business who wants to stand out in the crowd rather than get lost in the shuffle, your video ads need to be different. How? By telling a story. Stop selling! People have been telling stories since the beginning of time. Your video marketing might have current content and subject matter, but if you’re trying to sell rather tell, you probably need to update your videos.

Another element that can impact your videos’ reach relates to branding. Video marketing is a great way to reinforce your brand using your logo, brand colors, and even tone. Does your company have a mission? Make sure every video you put out there reflects it. Does your company sell a humorous product? Or is your company a non-profit with a serious mission? Whatever tone your business adopts, be sure to create video content that aligns with your company’s vision.

Source: The Social Shake-Up

If there’s one takeaway here, it’s that video isn’t going anywhere. We encourage you to review your video marketing and ask yourself the following questions: Is the subject matter or information out of date? Are your videos failing to capture more demographics? Do your videos reflect your company’s mission and vision? Is your brand obvious in your videos?

Before we became the full-marketing agency you know as Paragon Marketing Group today, we were formerly a video production company. And with that experiences comes a world of knowledge that we are passionate about sharing with other businesses, just like yours. If you’re ready to update your video marketing, contact us today!

It’s Time To Plan Your Marketing For 2023

A marketer pointing to a graph on his computer to demonstrate why it's important to plan your marketing for 2023.

We’re still a few months from the new year, but that doesn’t mean your marketing shouldn’t be prepared. It’s time to plan your marketing for 2023. Aside from inflation and economic changes impacting businesses nationwide, technological advances and new, emerging trends in marketing mean it’s even more important to start planning your marketing for the upcoming year.

As a full-service marketing group, we believe it’s important that your marketing attract new clients while retaining your current customers. Here are three reasons why it’s time to plan your marketing for 2023:

1. Marketing Trends Are Always Changing . . . And So Should You

Between a global pandemic and constant advancements in technology, it isn’t surprising that advertising trends are changing. While we believe in celebrating your milestones, the marketing machine is constantly evolving, which means your marketing strategies should, too. Whether you need help with your website or a social channel, it’s time to map out marketing strategies for 2023.

Constantly evolving marketing trends means it's time to change and plan your marketing for 2023.
Constantly evolving marketing trends means it’s time to change and plan your marketing for 2023.

2. New Consumers’ Habits Requires A Mobile-First Mindset

While the pandemic might have slowed in-person business for many consumers, those same consumers not only continue to spend more time online, but they also use their mobile devices to shop, search for businesses, and view websites on their mobile devices. And with this move here to stay, businesses need to ensure their websites are responsive, consider increasing their mobile advertising budget, and make decisions with a mobile-first mindset to continue to attract today’s consumers.

Plan your marketing for 2023 with a mobile-first mindset as more consumers continue to search and shop on their mobile devices.
Plan your marketing for 2023 with a mobile-first mindset as more consumers continue to search and shop on their mobile devices.

Source: FinancesOnline

3. Marketing Experts Could Give You The Upper Hand

Many people are overwhelmed by the prospect of trying to design their own website, get their business in all the proper listings, and post regularly to multiple social channels in addition to all the other marketing avenues they could be utilizing. What often helps a business stand out from the crowd is bringing in a third-party expert. Why? Because marketing firms stay up-to-date on the latest trends and specialize in providing marketing services for businesses big or small. They can even manage your marketing completely if you rather focus on running your business. Whether you need an outside opinion or guidance, firms like Paragon Marketing Group can provide the necessary expertise you need.

Consider hiring a marketing firm, like Paragon Marketing Group, to help you in the year as you plan for marketing in 2023.
Consider hiring a marketing firm, like Paragon Marketing Group, to help you in the year as you plan for marketing in 2023.

Source: Paragon Marketing Group

Marketing trends will continue to change, so it’s vital that your business embrace the future. Whether you choose to hire a marketing firm for outside expertise, mobilize your website to create a better online experience for your mobile users, or map out a marketing strategy to prepare for the new year, now is the time to plan your marketing for 2023.

3 Reasons You Should Update Your Video Marketing

Two men shooting a video marketing ad

When it comes to video marketing, it can be overwhelming to know where to start. There are so many places consumers view video today – billboards, social media, websites, TV, search engines, apps. Plus, people are no longer watching video just on their TVs or computers. Now it’s convenient to watch on smartphones, tablets, and even e-readers. Which is all the more reason it’s important to update your video marketing for your business.

Why Should You Update Your Video Marketing?

Here are three reasons you should update your video marketing now:

1. Your Aesthetics & Content Need A Refresh

Retro TV, VCR, and soda cans displaying old video marketing
Retro TV, VCR, and soda cans

Now if your video marketing hasn’t changed since the 1990s, you don’t need us to tell you they desperately need an update. But it’s not the 2000s or even 2010s anymore either, The Internet is constantly changing, and so should your online presence, video included. Are the people, the styles, the objects, or the technology in your videos outdated? A good way to find out is to put yourself in the following fictional scenario: If you were to approach a potential customer in person wearing the same style, showing the same objects, and using the same technology in your videos, would that customer be more focused on your appearance or your message?

Perhaps it’s not the tangible items that need to change in your video marketing. Is data or information in your video current? Today’s consumers are highly intelligent. With new information readily available online, having updated, accurate information in your video marketing is vital if you want customers to take your business seriously.

Source: NG Production Films

2. Your Customer Base Has Expanded

It’s certainly good news when your customer base is expanding. But with growth comes change. Remember when we mentioned there are so many ways for people to consume video today? That means your video marketing net should widen to capture more demographics and types of people. While every business has its target demographic, limiting your video marketing to attract a narrow set of people increases your potential to lose sales and customers.

A large part of online video consumption comes from newer social media platforms. TikTok didn’t exist until 2016. Stories and Reels are newer options to share video on Facebook and Instagram. And let’s not forget about LinkedIn. As of 2019, LinkedIn is the most trusted social platform for credible content. Yet only about 1% of users shared posts then! Consider that a huge opportunity to establish your business as a trusted authority in your industry using video content.

3. Your Videos Are Getting Lost in the Shuffle

Have you heard of the term “ad fatigue”? Elevato describes it as “a phenomenon that occurs when an audience becomes desensitized to an ad set causing ad efficiency to decrease.” In simpler terms, people are tired of seeing ads. This reinforces our earlier point: video is everywhere. But as a business who wants to stand out in the crowd rather than get lost in the shuffle, your video ads need to be different. How? By telling a story. Stop selling! People have been telling stories since the beginning of time. Your video marketing might have current content and subject matter, but if you’re trying to sell rather tell, you probably need to update your videos.

Another element that can impact your videos’ reach relates to branding. Video marketing is a great way to reinforce your brand using your logo, brand colors, and even tone. Does your company have a mission? Make sure every video you put out there reflects it. Does your company sell a humorous product? Or is your company a non-profit with a serious mission? Whatever tone your business adopts, be sure to create video content that aligns with your company’s vision.

Source: The Social Shake-Up

If there’s one takeaway here, it’s that video isn’t going anywhere. Review your video marketing and ask yourself the following questions: Is the subject matter or information out of date? Are your videos failing to capture more demographics? Do your videos reflect your company’s mission and vision? Is your brand obvious in your videos?

If you’re ready to update your video marketing, consider contacting your local marketing agency today.

Why Does My Business Need Video Testimonials?

The first use of testimonials dates back to the 15th century and is still a great way to promote your company! Did you know that 72% of consumers say positive video testimonials and reviews increase their trust in a business? Further, 93% of brands got a new customer because of a video on social media. You can imagine the impact these can have on your business when they’re combined to create video testimonials. Check out why your business should start using video testimonials.

5 Reasons Your Business Needs Video Testimonials

Your business needs video testimonials because video . . .

1. Creates A Deeper, More Personal Look At Your Business

One of the most important parts of running any successful business is communicating with your customers both current and potential. What’s better than having your current customers who you’ve created a loyal, trusting relationship with to advocate your products and services to new customers? Video testimonials give your consumers a chance to give their authentic opinion and emotions on your business.

2. Has Higher Retention Than Text

It’s said that video has a 95% retention rate while people only remember about 12% of textual information. This is because you can evoke emotion through video, therefore making people more likely to remember what was said. Further, you can make your video more engaging by adding small graphics, animation, and music.

3. Offers Social Proof

Social proof is “a psychological and social phenomenon wherein people copy the actions of others in an attempt to undertake behavior in a given situation.” In simple terms, this means that what people see, people do. Posting video testimonials on social media platforms will encourage new clientele to follow in the footsteps of the current customers in your videos. They see that your loyal customers have had success with your products and will want to hop on the bandwagon.

4. Reinforces Credibility and Trust

Video testimonials can humanize your business and build trust. While written testimonials and reviews are good to establish initial interest in your business, turning them into a video allows people to connect with other real people in the most authentic way possible over social media. Giving your customers this platform shows that you trust in the quality of your services and want to document their thoughts on it. In return, this builds a strong sense of credibility.

5. Expands Your Horizons

Any sort of video is a great tool for your business because it can be used across a large range of platforms and you can repurpose the content. Posting video testimonials to your website is a great way to archive your work. Plus, your customers can view your content at any time. You can also use your videos in email marketing and, of course, on your social media platforms. The great thing about all of these things is that you can recycle and repurpose them throughout these different mediums and even repost every couple of months.

Video testimonials are one of the most powerful ways to increase credibility of your business and build trust with your audience. If you want more information about what creating a video testimonial entails, Paragon Marketing Group can help! Call or message us today (262) 443-9092.

5 Video Marketing Strategies For 2021

video marketing 2021

What’s on your new year’s resolutions list? Eating healthy, staying active, and traveling of course. What about upping your video content game? 2021 is the year of fun, trying new things, and being adaptable! We’ve created a list of video marketing strategies your business should be incorporating into your marketing plan this year.

Video Marketing Strategies

What type of video content could up your marketing for 2021? Check out these 5 video marketing strategies:

1. Casual, Laidback Content

Yes, you read that right. In light of COVID-19, big video production has been put on hold. Throughout the year, we’ve seen companies create advertisements and videos from compiled home videos of their employees and customers and we don’t see this leaving us any time soon. Above anything else, people prefer authentic content. That means snippets of live streams and selfie videos from your iPhone can be used and reused on your social accounts! While they may be lower quality, they invite personality to your business and your clients can have a better understanding for your company’s message and morals.

2. Live-Streaming

You can also thank COVID for this one. Did you know that the online live streaming industry has grown 99% between April 2019 and April 2020? Live streaming has become increasingly more popular for many reasons. It’s a way for businesses to directly interact with their customers and people love it because they can watch video content with advertisements or commercials. According to Livestream, 82% of people prefer live video from a brand over standard social media posts and 80% of people prefer live streaming over reading a blog from a brand.

3. Super Short Videos

We’re talking 5-10 seconds short. We all know and love the “Skip Ad” option on Facebook and Youtube videos. Creating an advertisement that people can watch before being able to skip the ad ensures that your content is being seen.

4. Long Video

To the same degree, consumers are increasingly enjoying longer content. Perhaps it’s due to COVID and freed up time on people’s hands, people are getting more used to watching longer content. A recent study found that videos longer than 15 minutes account for 50% of all video engagement but only 8% of content. This means you can produce fewer, longer videos for better results. The key to success is to make the video exciting and engaging.

5. 360 Video and AR Content

360 video is a powerful tool to allow your audience to be more interactive with your content. This type of video is becoming more popular even for regular, every day people to use. AR content is being used by big businesses and smaller companies are slowly catching on. IKEA, for example, allows you to place their products into your living spaces to see it for their intended use.

With these video marketing strategies, your business is sure to capture the attention of new and current customers. Paragon Marketing Group is no stranger to any of these types of videography and are eager to help you launch into the new year! Call or message us today (262)443-9092

Interacting With Your Audience Using Live Video

Live video.

There are many types of video your business can pursue to engage with customers, boost sales, and enhance your brand. So, which video is widely preferred and gets the most interaction with prospective customers? Live video is capturing the attention of many, and your consumers could be a part of that audience!

Why Is Live Video Great for Audience Interaction?

Cheap and Easy Production

While large video production has its place for advertising your company and products, it can be time-consuming and costly. Live video can be as simple as using Facebook or Instagram Live with a brief script ready to use. Of course, there’s nothing wrong with putting in some extra time and resources to really get people engaged with your live video, but if you’re in a time crunch, it’s for sure the way to go.

Customer Engagement

With live videos, you’re setting up the time for your customers to engage with you. Not only is this convenient for you, but it also is for them too! This is because you’re only engaging with the people who care about you, your company, and your brand. It’s an easy way to see what kind of people are engaging with your content, which will help you decide who to target when making your next advertisement post, picture, or video.

100% Ad-Free

There’s nothing more annoying than getting really into a video, and it’s suddenly cut to a 30-second advertisement in the middle of the video. If you don’t like it, chances are your consumers don’t either. Most streaming platforms offer ad-free content for you to create. The only advertisements your customers view is that of your business.

Real-Time Engagement Tool

Not only is it a great platform to get information across to customers, but you can talk to them in real-time with live chat. Live streaming gives people the capability to ask questions, leave testimonials, or just have a conversation with you. There are even certain platforms that allow you to have a person to hop on the livestream with you to have a verbal conversation in real-time. It’s a great tool to answer questions, thank customers, or sell your products and services.

Showcase for All Content

If you want to enhance your live streams and make it all the more exciting for audience members, it’s easy to add in graphics, images, text, and even video clips into your livestream. Sometimes it’s better to show customers than to tell them about something (i.e. a new product, statistics, etc.) and live streaming is a great place to showcase all content your business has that also invites in a personal engagement tool.

So, let’s see… live streaming is ad-free, cheap and easy to do, and convenient to engage with current and potential customers. What’s not to love? It’s a powerful tool to engage with the most involved customers, invite in new customers, and easy communication for everyone! Of course, it’s important to debate what’s best for your business, which is where we come in! We have the tools to bring all of your business dreams to life. For all of your questions about live streaming, email marketing, and everything in between, we’re your neighborhood marketing company.

Interacting With Your Audience Using Live Video

Live video.

There are so many different kinds of video that your business can pursue to engage with customers, boost sales, and enhance your company’s brand. So, which video is widely preferred and gets the most interaction with prospective customers? Live video is capturing the attention of many, and your consumers could be a part of that audience!

Cheap and Easy Production

While large video production absolutely has its place in advertising for your company and products, it can be time-consuming and costly. With live video, it can be as simple as turning on the webcam on Facebook or Instagram live with a brief script for you to go off of. Of course, there’s nothing wrong with putting in some extra time and resources to really get people engaged with your live video, but if you’re in a time crunch, it’s for sure the way to go.

Consumers Use Their Time to be on Your Time

With live videos, you’re setting up the time for your customers to engage with you. Not only is this convenient for you, but it is for them too! This is because you’re only engaging with the people who care about you, your company, and your brand. It’s an easy way to see what kind of people are engaging with your content, which will help you decide who to target when making your next advertisement post, picture, or video.

100% Ad Free

There’s nothing more annoying than getting really into a video, and it’s suddenly cut to a 30-second advertisement in the middle of the video. If you don’t like it, chances are your consumers don’t either. Most streaming platforms offer ad-free content for you to create. The only advertisements your customers view is that of your business.

Real-Time Engagement Tool

Not only is it a great platform to get information across to customers, but you can talk to them in real-time with live chat. Live streaming gives people the capability to ask questions, leave testimonials, or just have a conversation with you. There are even certain platforms that allow you to have a person to hop on the livestream with you to have a verbal conversation in real-time. It’s a great tool to answer questions, thank customers, or sell your products and services.

Showcase for all Content

If you want to enhance your live streams and make it all the more exciting for audience members, it’s easy to add in graphics, images, text, and even video clips into your livestream. Sometimes it’s better to show customers than to tell them about something (ie. a new product, statistics, etc.) and live streaming is a great place to showcase all content your business has that also invites in a personal engagement tool.


So, let’s see… live streaming is ad-free, cheap and easy to do, and it’s super easy to engage with current and potential customers? What’s not to love? It’s a powerful tool to engage with the most involved customers, invite in new customers, and easy communication for everyone! Of course, it’s important to debate what’s best for your business, which is where we come in! We have the tools to bring all of your business dreams to life. For all of your questions about live streaming, email marketing, and everything in between, we’re your neighborhood marketing company.

How Are You Using Video In Your Marketing?

Video marketing trends.

We all know digital marketing is king in today’s age of technology, but what tops these strategies? Video marketing, which has been on the rise for the last few years, is now one of the best ways to market your business. According to Social Media Today, videos are shared 1200% more on social media than image and text combined. They also found that 64% of consumers are more likely to buy a product or service after watching a video about it. With numbers like these, who wouldn’t want to research the latest trends in video marketing? Don’t worry, we’ve already done the work for you.

Make it Personal

Before we dive into the different forms of videos to create, let’s talk content. 72% of consumers say they will only engage with marketing posts that are personalized (SmarterHQ). Making your videos more personal could mean having members from your business on screen selling a service rather than just text and graphics. Let’s say your company sells women’s clothing and that the majority of your audience are young women between the ages of 18-25, try to create content that they would find fun and relatable.

Live Streaming

While it’s recently become a popular platform, video streaming counts for over two-thirds of all internet traffic, and there’s so much your business can do with it! You can hop on a live stream and not only show customers new products, host Q&As, and make announcements, but you can interact with them in real time. Live streaming gives the option to have viewers submit their questions and comments in a chatroom while the video is happening, making communication personal and easy. Another benefit of streaming is that there’s no editing involved. Just open your laptop, start your livestream, and you’re set.

Long-form Videos

This one might surprise you, but research suggests that long-form videos are the way to go. We’ve all been told that the shorter the video, the better, especially with the short attention span of humans. However, this has recently changed. According to 23, videos under five minutes in length only receive less than one third of overall engage, whereas videos over 15 minutes can result in 50% overall engagement. This would require more pre production work and editing, but if you’re really looking to communicate with or send a message to your consumers, try it out!

Video Podcasts

Being another recent success in marketing, video podcasts are on the rise, and it’s exactly what it sounds like. Instead of just having your microphone set up, you also have a camera to record with. What’s the point? It’s always nice for consumers to put a face to the voices they’re used to hearing, and they can see exactly what’s happening in the studio. It’s another way to invite your audience on a personal level, and you have two times the amount of footage to use for marketing!

Regardless if you choose to try out one of these or all of these new video marketing techniques, remember what it’s about; your consumers. Video is one of the best tools to include new and long-term consumers in your business. It’s a way to show your appreciation for them, get out new and important information, and show the faces of your company!

Drone Registration Scams—Be Aware!

Drone Registration Scams, be aware.

When you own a drone, it is mandatory that you register it with the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) as part of the rules and regulations created in 2016. With the creation of these laws, it opens the doors for others to try and make a quick buck! The FAA has warned people who own drones to beware.

There are lots of organizations that offer their help to commercial and hobby drone owners to file an application for a registration number. Many of these so called companies try to match the look of the FAA’s website with graphics and some have gone as far as including the FAA logo. Some have seen these agencies state that they are an approved agency of the FAA. Believe us when we tell you that they aren’t and you’ll be wasting money by using them.

Some of these companies have extorted fees of almost $150 for their “service”. This is way too high, especially when the actual fee to register your drones is only $5.00 through the FAA website. For hobbyists, you will receive one number for all the drones you own and for others the fee is for each drone. The FAA does not have any regulation or will legitimize any of these outside services.

There is really only one way to be certain that your drone is registered properly and legally with the FAA. We recommend you avoid registering your unmanned aircraft anywhere but at the FAA Drone Zone. Save yourself the high fees or possible drone registration scams by only using this method. If you have any questions, you can always reach out to us at [email protected]. We’d be glad to steer you in the right direction.